
In possibly my most impressive Twitter scuffle yet, I (someone who speaks welsh & is of welsh decent) was accused of being racist because when I had a stroke, I experienced bilingual aphasia & could temporarily only speak Welsh & this means that I am ā€œorientalizingā€ the Celts, like ā€œmagical nativesā€
The evidence for this was that when someone commented ā€œWelsh sounds like fairy talk to meā€ (which to be fair, is because of Tolkien basing all his stuff on it), I did not immediately recoil and instead joked ā€œah, that must be why I reverted to it, being half fae myselfā€
This was then screenshotted and everyone decided that 1) I was brain damaged for thinking I was a fairy 2) I was speaking gibberish and just assumed it was Welsh And this is somehowā€¦ fetishizing the Welsh? And also anti-indigenous? Somehow?
Nevermind the half fae thing is partly a joke about autism and partly a joke about the family legend (ON MY WELSH SIDE) about how our ancestor fucked a tree nymph and thatā€™s why we are the way we are
Anyway, turns out they were all anti-theists who find ALL MAGIC EXTREMELY OFFENSIVE AND SOMETHING ONLY BRAIN DAMAGED RACIST PEOOLE DO basically just recreating white supremacy and using anti-colonizing language to do it
Anyway if I am going to be cancelled for being racist it might as well be for being racist against white people with whom I actually share genes why not (ALTHOUGH I DO FEEL THE NEED TO CLARIFY THAT MOST OF THE PEOPLE YELLING AT ME WERE ENGLISH BECAUSE OF COURSE THEY WERE)
And to clarify more because the Internet has made me paranoid, I do not consider myself half autistic, I am fully autistic! BUT I thought I was undiagnosed, so I told my mom & she was like oh no, you were diagnosed at 5 but we decided never to tell you So, like, half diagnosed? Very fae lol
Oh and to clarify more, the reason I use she/fae pronouns is a nod to my autism! Fairies do a lot of autistic things. They canā€™t lie. Their faces donā€™t match their feelings. They are very literal. Etc! I thought most people on the internet knew this by now but apparently not anti-theists!
This is so wild. But of course they were English.
When I think through who has been the most terrible to me as Iā€™ve been learning Welsh (Iā€™m ā€œnot Welsh enough,ā€ Iā€™m an ā€œuppity American,ā€ etc), itā€™s invariably the English! Including when I lived in Wales Itā€™s likeā€¦ they are pretending to ā€œprotectā€ the Welsh but the end result is still oppression?
That has a weird sort of logic to it: "you can't be oppressing them - that's our job!"
Yeah been like that for 1000 years +, protecting kinda means do what England says. Read through the thread a few times and still WTF was the other person on aboutā€¦
There were a couple of threads (some with thousands of likes šŸ« ) but I only commented on the one because my coworker found it and I had to be like OK NO because online scuffles are one thing, but they have to be shut down if they cross into IRL territory!
As soon as I started reading the thread, I was like, these were English folks, for sure. Every Welsh person I've ever met has been stoked that I'm learning it, if sometimes a little confused as to why. Haha. Dysgwyr Cymraeg awtistig solidarity ā¤ļø
Oof!! The weirdest of battles!! Also is ā€œbrain-damagedā€ supposed to be an insult? Like yes, thanks, Iā€™m literally recovering from a neurological injury šŸ™ƒ (Had never heard the autism/fae thing, will be incorporating it into my vernacular, thank you for that)
Wishing you so much peace and rest and recovery ā¤ļø And wishing daily stubbed toes on those assholes
I appreciate it! It is definitely very startling how awful people are willing to be to someone with a neurological injury lol. Like yes! My brain was damaged! I am still a human with value! And intelligence and creativity even! And even if I had none of those, kindness would still matter? Alas ā¤ļøā¤ļø
From time to time I hear tales from the dark bowels of formerly-Twitter. This is fairly appalling, and I'm sorry it happened to you. Please let us all know if there's anything we can do to help you escape it once and for all.
I think it has mostly passed! Most of my followers did not see too much of it thankfully. Which is impressiveā€”some of the retweets of screenshots were in the 1000ā€™s. But a strategy of not amplifying & having a couple ppl commenting to set them straight helped. Only one coworker found it so far lol
What the ever-loving $@%& is wrong with some people!?
I just... I don't know what to say, in Welsh or otherwise. šŸ˜¬
Hwyl! (Google translate will say that means ā€œbyeā€ but it can also mean cheers lol)
Ok, but what pronouns for adhd folks? Or maybe we are just DnD mimics
Fae could work for yā€™all too tbh. Fae cursed mortals are known to lose track of time. To paint until their fingers are bone. To become so engrossed in the dance, the flesh falls from their feet. Big ADHD vibes
Whelp, Iā€™m sold. Given that Iā€™m drinking my coffee and physically unable to stop my feet from keeping time to the music playing. Now to decide which Fea, there are so many to choose from
Our splendid queer chorus has at least one she/fae, and I am happy to learn more people use these pronouns! [One of these days I will remember to invite you to a performance; I think youā€™re in our region]
Which pronouns? Whatever the fuck we like! šŸ˜ Not so much Fae as shapeshifters. It's every couple of days something new after all (sometimes every couple of hours). And quite often not what is expected.
Aos SĆ­ if I really want to lean into Dads family. I quite fancy the idea of a fairy fort
Fea often are shapeshifters so this works
I reflexively make an 8D emoticon face at the start of most "let's take a group pic" situations because my mom's got an old blue journal tucked away that says my first sentence was "leave me alone"
Saw this via a quote and it reminded me of an mc I got who uses fae ā™” need to finish writing that book šŸ˜… (character is also autistic šŸ˜šŸ˜)