🌈Dr. Frizzle

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🌈Dr. Frizzle


"An inspiration to bog witches everywhere"— @jermsguy "Ms Frizzle IRL”— @ElleMaeGal "Cranky and Annoyed"— @washingtonpost Buy my books I guess She/Fae
OK so in very funny news, there was this whole “block the New York Times” trend on Threads and they just “happened” to “accidentally” delete their account temporarily and now it’s back but a grand total of zero people think it was an accident ☠️
I asked if I got my blood type from my mom or dad and my mom said, “neither your blood type is impossible from either of us that’s why we think you’re a changeling” and when I said haha that’s probably not true SHE DOUBLED DOWN??
nailed it
The attempt to get radical leftists to engage with politics as it is lived is actually mostly a struggle to get them to not prefer a glorious suicide over a frustrated life
neat how yesterday was the most saturday thursday ever and today was the most monday friday ever
Well THAT is enough Twitter for the day
"Nobody used to think men exploiting women was wrong" is up there with "Nobody used to think slavery was wrong" as a really impressive giveaway of who you think counts as "nobody".
This made me laugh (again) 🥬
my wife: I should put on my most American shirt *puts on a Pepsi-Cola T-shirt*
Hilary is younger than Trump, too, and I just don’t understand why Trump always gets some magical pass. Like wtf kind of Faustian nonsense istg
Hillary headlines in 2015. Don't let the media fool you again. Image Courtesy of angry_staffer.
Hillary headlines in 2015. Don't let the media fool you again. Image Courtesy of angry_staffer.
and I’m over here, still just a rat in a cage
the world is a vampire
the four year old, mad at my wife: “you broke my heart into pieces and they rolled all the way to Legoland and we have to go to Legoland to put them back together” absolutely incredible work, kiddo, I am in awe
third reich energy
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be" www.mediamatters.org/project-2025...
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"www.mediamatters.org
and if he’s the president, it’s not illegal!
TIL I learned about Colobopis explodens (yes, that’s really their name) ants If attacked, they bite the predator, angle their bottoms towards it, and explode. The exploding ant dies, but releases a toxic, spicy-scented yellow substance which also kills the predator, protecting the colony
I have written a dissent that clearly says when a president is immune forgive me if it sounds too much like a list of instructions I was afraid for democracy and when a president does it, it’s not illegal
RIP Richard Nixon you would have been having such a good day on Fox News today
they just found a blood clot in my wife’s arm (she just had a pacemaker put in) and this year has just sucked ass I am so over it 😭😭😭
OK so Biden should immediately arrest half the Supreme Court
presidents have immunity for "official acts" lmfao We. Are. Fucked.
Of all the neopronouns I've encountered, 'fae' is definitely the set that resonates with me most and this is a big part of why.
Oh and to clarify more, the reason I use she/fae pronouns is a nod to my autism! Fairies do a lot of autistic things. They can’t lie. Their faces don’t match their feelings. They are very literal. Etc! I thought most people on the internet knew this by now but apparently not anti-theists!
still thinking about this! (wish I could stop! it is ridiculous!) mostly about the way people in positions of privilege so easily perpetuate oppression by using the language of anti-oppression but also I am just very sad how they’ve managed to make me feel icky about speaking Welsh!
In possibly my most impressive Twitter scuffle yet, I (someone who speaks welsh & is of welsh decent) was accused of being racist because when I had a stroke, I experienced bilingual aphasia & could temporarily only speak Welsh & this means that I am “orientalizing” the Celts, like “magical natives”
Here are some nice mushrooms
Accidentally wrote that I want to immolate my mentor, not emulate. Sorry buddy, but its in an official university document now so...
Saturday drunk is fighting the urge between drunk tweeting and texting your ex because both of those are bad… while knowing you’ve gone viral with no consequences while drunk tweeting and that one message to you your ex was pretty healing, actually
being slightly too drunk on a Saturday is fighting the urge between drunk tweeting and p
Trying to take a selfie while drinking wine outside during a heatwave