
The thing about “European voters reject facism” applying to us is that Trump does indeed seem to have a pretty hard cap on his vote % in the mid 40s. You just gotta motivate everybody else to get out and vote against him!
“Presidential elections are turnout fights” has been true for what, twenty years?
Man I'm worried, trump has so many volunteers and good organizers doing GOTV I mean wait hold on
[not that it matters, try as hard as you can to run up the score everywhere]
Wanna start Texans against Wokeness and see if we can convince the big orange idiot to hire us for GOTV?
Is there any evidence that they have any organization anywhere? I'm not in a competitive state by any stretch of any imagination but I'd swear I haven't seen shit around here championing Trump compared to previous years.
From what I gather, tRump hoovers up all of the campaign donations to pay his lawyers, mortgages and lawsuit settlements, and has not shelled out for any field offices or organizers. This made me nervous at first, 'cuz it meant he's planning on just declaring himself winner, but now it seems funny.