
i don't know if it's just a placebo, but a hot shower along with the advice of things to take from the very supportive people on here has me already feeling somewhat better. very bad still but.... better, somehow. the antihistamines really seem to be working.
i've got h1 and h2 blockers thanks to a friend, hopefully tomorrow i hear back from my doctor for paxlovid, i ordered AHA for saturday since i do have tachycardia, i've got multivitamins + vit d3, and dumped a bunch of turmeric in my lentil soup. no nac or nk and i took an ibprofen. hoping for good
Antihistamines come through for me w lots of things, their utility has been underrated for too long
i owe antihistamines an apology. i wasn't familiar with their game
Just go easy on the Benadryl, don't wanna run into the hat man
It’s wild to me that people purposely set out to do that. “Yes I want to have terrifying hallucinations please”
If I take it as a sedative more than 2 nights in a row I have HORRIBLE nightmares. Pretty sure a high dose would just open a portal to hell based on everything I've read. I guess some people just have to learn the hard way
benadryl is a really bad sedative iirc. it makes you tired but the sleep is less restful
That explains a lot! Last time I even took it was back in college, thinking it was harmless. Lol nope
as someone who takes a copious amount of antihistamines (like a lot) just to sleep a few hours at night, i don't recommend it. don't do drugs kids it hurts so bad