
I honestly am very concerned about this fucking period passport. Are they going to continue to treat us like cattel? Get rid of the women who no longer bleed?
Have you ever read The Giver by Lois Lowry? They will begin by making sure kids (males & females) are given hormones to suppress sexual desire & stop menstruation. There’s more in this book that’s relatable than the handmaid’s tale. It’s a YA book that im sure is being banned in many places.
OMFG!!! They did that to my friend’s grandma when she was in a concentration camp. The NAZIS, emphasis on NAZIS, gave her period suppressing pills, pulled her teeth, and forced her to work in a factory naked. 💔 These NAZIS must be stopped. Trump has that NAZI blood in him.
My maternal great g’ma was a German Jew who came through Ellis Island between the wars. I never knew she was a Jew until I was an adult. She converted once in US out of fear (because Jim Crow was also about “the others”).
There’s so much more in the book!. They have “castes” & have gone so far as to alter people’s ability to see colors (bc it offers “choice”). Once your 2 allotted children leave you at @ 12, you are moved into a facility then “released”. There’s only 1 person who holds the history & he’s dying. 1/2
I taught it to 8th graders many years ago and to HS sociology students. God I hope they remember it! We also did Animal Farm before we did the Giver as kind of a lead in.
I do not think I’m interested in reading this book. Sounds disturbing. 1984 was enough. We are living dystopia. I really am trying to remain hopeful.
Cattle…chattel…it’s all the same to them. Sometime-useful animals.
I meant chattel. Fat-fingered. Thanks for that reminder
If you have Prime please watch the “Bad Faith” documentary. It’s the Project 2025 end game and Donald #Trump is their bitch. If he had won the 2020 election our democracy would already be gone. #Fact 2024 is their second chance. #justsayin
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