
3 French polls out today…: Seat projections have: —Far-right (RN) 170 to 230 —Left 145 to 185 —Macronists 118 to 150 So: —Anti-RN front working better than expected, lowering RN. —Especially among left voters, which is saving Macronists. —New chance RN isn’t biggest group?
NFP has said repeatedly Melenchon won't be candidate for prime minister if they are the biggest group. Has there been any indication on who they would put forward?
I don’t see how NFP governs as a whole even if they are biggest group with something like 180. … They’d need Macronists, and LFI and Macron don’t mix.
It certainly seems like a recipe for a lot of ad-hoc decision-making and coalition formation.
I can see a Faure-leading government as being a palatable option to both LFI and REN parties.