Reed Bernet

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Reed Bernet

Tax nerd in LA
I do generally ascribe to the idea of loss aversion, but gotta say that just catching my train makes me feel a lot happier than just missing it makes me feel sad.
My toddler wakes up from naps screaming, like it's the waking world that is an unbearable nightmare. Calm down baby, that feeling is for adults that forgot to respond to an email yesterday.
One thing they don't warn you about as a fairly quiet person is that your dog may teach your child to communicate.
People don't have bookshelves anymore so you have to judge them based on wifi and spotify playlist names....sick society imo
TFW when a new Waxahatchee album drops
Reposted byAvatar Reed Bernet
About 80 % of students thought this was a swanky straw hat from the 1950s. Truth is that it’s the oldest Roman grasswork "Panama hat" extant, from Fayum in Egypt. In 2017 they radiocarbon dated it to 420-568 CE. Turns out the “Dark Ages” was really more about cool shade (Pitt Rivers Museum, UK) 🎩
Guy smoking outside the office using chopsticks to hold the cig....respect
Just saw a lady get on the train, beeline for a seat next to another woman, they looked at each other and bumped shoulders affectionately, then proceeded not to say a word for the rest of the trip. Beautiful.
WSJ laser focused on pocket book issues for ordinary americans.
Reached the point where I have to come to bsky to learn about whatever fucked up shit is happening on Twitter.
Uber driver playing grizzly bear....nice
Anybody else on taxsky go a little insane when they saw this on the other site?
Unexpected aspects of parenting - getting emotional because your child is moving up in diaper size.
End of feed.