
#NukeSky (Apologies for paywall) This brief article on HALEU weaponization potential will be a key touchstone in the near term. I’m wondering how the calculations might shift if (D-T) boosting is considered.
The weapons potential of high-assay low-enriched Recent promotion of new reactor technologies appears to disregard decades-old concerns about nuclear proliferation
Interesting...didn't realize you could use just a ton (literally) of HALEU instead of enriching to weapons grade
Yes, it’s a lot, but not completely unrealistic. I buy the argument that we’ve been lulled into categorically considering HALEU nonproliferation “safe” and we should revisit that before dramatically ramping up HALEU production. Now’s the time.
Guys, it’s Friday… Go have a beverage and chill. The terrible, nightmare-inducing stuff will still be there on Monday (or tomorrow)… 😉
Wasn't really aware of this being an issue and it absolutely is. But weapons made in this way will be less practical and mobile and easier to notice I assume...
Yes. That’s the drawback and the article touches on the unwieldy design parameters. Just that is not inconceivable, the US has already established the feasibility in the 50s — but since then it has been treated as de facto safe from proliferation. Ok, for a while when HALEU volumes were low.
Reminds me of the weapons-/reactor-grade plutonium issue where many note the reactor-grade stuff is still "weapons usable"