Provisionally Dr. Triton and the Fusion Fever

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Provisionally Dr. Triton and the Fusion Fever

VT PhD candidate STS, nuclear energy/nonpro. Former SRO instructor nuke worker. he/him. #TritiumMatters

My latest:
I’ve got one more day to finish some dissertation revisions and then I’m going to give my cold take on the Bellona ZNPP analysis. Short version: I’m very glad some one finally considered condenser cooling water but unsure how feasible the required design change would be to supply the needed water.
Passed!* *(with minor revisions.) More good news later! #NukeSky
Thank you all for joining me on my PhD journey! Please join me and my committee on Tuesday June 25 at 12:00 PM EST for my dissertation defense (link below) Title: “Tritium Matters: Constructing Nuclearity & Navigating Ambivalence of a Unique Material” #NukeSky
Join our Cloud HD Video Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom ...
Thank you all for joining me on my PhD journey! Please join me and my committee on Tuesday June 25 at 12:00 PM EST for my dissertation defense (link below) Title: “Tritium Matters: Constructing Nuclearity & Navigating Ambivalence of a Unique Material” #NukeSky
Join our Cloud HD Video Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom ...
It’s your turn to contribute to Next Up in Arms Control! If you have something to say about national security, nuclear policy or non-proliferation, submit your ideas to us today!
#NukeSky quick and possibly useful.
We need 2 minutes of your time to help select content for a new educational guide on the importance of nuclear disarmament, nonproliferation, and arms control. Help contribute by responding to our survey at
Nuclear Weapons Beginners
We need 2 minutes of your time to help select content for a new educational guide on the importance of nuclear disarmament, nonproliferation, and arms control. Help contribute by responding to our survey at
Nuclear Weapons Beginners
Do I think there is a ton of grift and fluff now that a whole bunch of venture money is in fusion? Oh yeah 100%. No question. I hope a lot of them burn out fast
I have a feeling I’m going to need a properly tailored suit in the near future.
This is the content this place was designed for!
Exactly. I wrote my MA thesis partly on it: The freedoms afforded by Odonian anarchism were terribly won and brutally maintained. Balancing individual initiative and social cohesion requires great sacrifice and responsibility.
#NukeSky (Apologies for paywall) This brief article on HALEU weaponization potential will be a key touchstone in the near term. I’m wondering how the calculations might shift if (D-T) boosting is considered.
The weapons potential of high-assay low-enriched Recent promotion of new reactor technologies appears to disregard decades-old concerns about nuclear proliferation
#NukeSky Don’t worry. It’s just me repeatedly stating that Russian efforts to restart ZNPP are not credible because it is thermodynamically impossible to produce a GWe from a nuclear power plant without increasing available condenser cooling water by several orders of magnitude.
UPDATE: Speaker Mike Johnson allowed the House of Representatives to adjourn yesterday morning, dooming any prospects for a vote to pass S. 3853, the Radiation Exposure Compensation Reauthorization Act, before the existing and much more limited law, passed in 1990, expires tomorrow.
Speaker Mike Johnson refuses to schedule a vote to pass the Radiation Exposure Compensation Reauthorization Act, which the Senate approved 69-30 on March 7. Pro-life Johnson objects because he believes victims of US nuclear testing and uranium mining don't deserve any help. RECA expires in 3 days.
Speaker Johnson, hear the prayers of nuclear weapons testing victims. It's time to The Radiation Exposure Compensation Act, which helps those poisoned by U.S. nuclear weapons program, expires Friday unless Congress acts immediately.
House departure leaves radiation compensation fund in limbo - Roll Effort stalls in Congress to extend federal benefits to more people exposed to radiation from nuclear weapons development.
TFW a deadline is extended for a competitive role after you’ve already applied.
Given: -reusing masks (n95s, etc) reduces efficacy greatly in a few rewears -continued COVID plague I submit a cheap (per wear), reusable, high performance masking option that I use: #AltForMe #Alt4Me
This is what I use:
Semi-regular Dissertation Accountability Log 11 Draft Word Count ~43,000 Committee draft submitted on time. Awaiting feedback next week. Still need gen audience abstract Defense tentatively set June 25 at 12:30 PM ET #NukeSky Also applied for a really intriguing short-term consultancy position.
Just 7 days left to fix this: “It’s time for Congress to correct this mistake. It should not be an option to leave thousands of Americans without lifesaving health screenings and compensation. Mr. Johnson should let the House vote on extending and expanding RECA—and our lawmakers should vote yes.”
Opinion | The Victims of U.S. Nuclear Testing Deserve More Than Speaker Mike Johnson should let the House vote on extending and expanding RECA, and our lawmakers should vote yes.
All y’all acting like you haven’t watched and often think about Robin Wright in The Congress (2013) partly about the ethical questions surrounding digitizing actors based on Stanislaw Lem's The Futurological Congress. She and Harvey Keitel are mesmerizing.
MAGNETO: Humans will never protect us. The only thing we have to look forward to in America is veiled contempt and assimilation into a society that fundamentally views us as disposable freaks, to be employed as tools and then discarded. CHARLES XAVIER: V👏O👏T👏E👏!!!
Way too much reverence for top gov positions in this country. Winning an election or getting appointed by some dipshit doesn’t make you exceptional, people in other reasonable countries resign if they’re seen chuckling at an off-color joke, let alone publicly supporting the end of the democracy.
“The comparison of the eruption of Mt. St. Helens to the explosion of a 10- to 20-megaton nuclear weapon is misleading. Such comparisons serve no useful purpose and should be avoided.” DoD Report 12/1/1980 No one is doing this that I know of, but I loved the bit above. #NukeSky
Defense Technical Information An official website of the United States government
I still have a mailed response for my hint line inquiry into how to become a Paladin in Quest for Glory 2. Sierra is era defining. Excited to see that this documentary is getting made!
Cancer immunity of naked mole rats.
if I could have one power from the animal kingdom it would be soaking up heat through my skin
If we have to wait 3 years to learn about a SCOTUS Justice publicly flying a symbol of insurrection outside their home directly following an insurrection, then I’m not sure we’re getting any benefits from the panopticon hellscape we daily inhabit.