Taylor Lorenz

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Taylor Lorenz


Journalist writing about technology and life online for The Washington Post.

Host of Power User podcast
Meanwhile, Ryan's article quotes Antonio Bertoletti, a well known crank (like Marc Veldhoen) who spends most of his time harassing long covid patients online, does not study/treat long covid, and has promoted the anti vaxx bullshit that infection with Covid is an optimal boost to the immune system
No serious person disputes Covid can and does damage many people's immune systems. Unless you think Memorial Sloan Kettering is lying, Merck is lying, and cancer doctors who talk abt and treat these issues constantly are all lying. Ryan has fallen into denialism. libguides.mskcc.org/CovidImpacts....
Covid has very different mechanisms than HIV, but Covid, like other viruses including HIV, does cause Lymphopenia. You continue to deny this basic fact and lie to your audience because you're seemingly in denial about basic facts of the disease. www.merckmanuals.com/professional...
I'm sure ur familiar with people using joke names on social media. If u bother to read his thread you'll see he shows how the studies and article you link to in your own piece dispute what ur trying to argue.
No, it's not the same as HIV, but HIV is not the only virus that causes immune damage. Jfc you people have no idea what you're talking about www.merckmanuals.com/professional...
The study just confirms what we know which is that covid can cause various ways of immune harm. This is something that's not even remotely controversial or disputed in the actual scientific and medical community. Cedars has an entire group of immune specialist doctors treating these issues.
He even wrote an entire article full of misinformation about this topic. Heres rhe truth: www.news-medical.net/news/2024071...
Wow @ryanlcooper.com even wrote an entire article full of crazy conspiracies & false theories from random quacks. This entire article is just a screed from a man who has fallen so far deep into Covid denialism he refuses to engage in the most basic science. I can’t explain how dangerous this is.
I don’t see the option 😰 where is it?
Liberal Biden stans got so mad at me over my story about Gen Z influencers turning on Biden that they made my name trend all weekend on Threads (which I didn’t even know was possible) and saying I’m a secret right wing Trump operative. www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2...
“Enjoy the camps” “I won’t feel sorry for you when you’re crying in the streets.” These are the responses Biden supporters have been sending to marginalized young ppl after I wrote about them refusing to support Biden until he stops funding Israel, stops ignoring the pandemic, among other policies
The World Record Egg has come out in support of Palestine
With all due respect... who the hell are these people
The pandemic is ongoing, Covid is killing people, it is permanently disabling tens of millions, and leftists/liberals online are dismissing these deaths. It's gutting. It is a preventable tragedy. 💔 Mask up, stop ur indoor brunches, advocate for clean air & ventilation, have some fucking solidarity
Ken Bone is popping off
Even Elon is sick of her shit
Case in point: These grafs in NYT don’t give nearly enough context to who Chris Rufo is, or his agenda/track record.
According to the lawsuit that X is funding, this is one of the political opinions expressed by the X user that was posted and allegedly resulted in them getting fired from their job
Israeli former hostage describes time in Hamas captivity theguardian.com/world/2024/m...
You have lost touch with reality and I hope you seek help because the level of delusion you have is scary
this is complete and total fan fiction. I hope you get the mental health help you need because this is pure delusion. None of this happened and i certainly was not fired from the NYT lol. Here’s the NYT’s chief lawyer saying just that. Stop laundering far right conspiracy theories and get a life!
At this point people are falling for Qanon level conspiracy theories. I wasn’t fired from NYT in any way. Here’s a literal letter from their head lawyer just last week after the NYT & I won a legal case against a right wing troll who attempted to silence my reporting.
Big conservatives are LIVID at her for doing the interview. Far right figures such as Hanania and other right wing supporters are questioning her ability to function as a figurehead. I spoke to a right wing TV booker about it this morning who called her performance “appalling”.
For the past 2 years, former talent manager Ariadna Jacob has been attempting to silence my reporting by filing a bogus $11.6M lawsuit. Today, she dropped the lawsuit with prejudice. I’m thrilled this meritless lawsuit has come to an end and will be celebrating this victory!!
I hope that everyone in the media who promoted this bogus lawsuit will correct their irresponsible & false coverage. Outrageous lies about me were repeatedly platformed by major media outlets. This has been a YEARS long smear campaign, boosted by Tucker Carlson, Fox News, & more
I’m at the MAGA açaí bowl place