Jean-Luc Picaridin (arthropods FOH)

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Jean-Luc Picaridin (arthropods FOH)

Educated fool; I believe in a better South

“Hush now, be still. Soon you shall be one of us.”
you see your pets twitching their little limbs in their sleep and say to your partner "look, it is running through a field in its sleep", you are wrong: your pet is in a casino: throwing dice, playing slots and video poker, walking on two legs and betting large on a blackjack table
These two horse's asses shelled out wheelbarrows of cash to attend Yale, only to wind up at the NYT sounding just like eleventy thousand reactionary goobers you could find in any county in Arkansas. Incredible stuff.
Wait till you get to the discussion of Loper Bright, Corner Post, and Jarkesy aka the “deep state” cases
Maybe I missed it but I’ve never seen a NYT scoreboard for the number of governors opting out of taking federal money for feeding hungry kids (twelve) or even the number of states where a McRib is currently available (zero).
It's probably fine that Tony Blair was an associate of Jeffrey Epstein. It's not like everyone around the guy was on the spectrum of sex pests & rapists, I mean you had Bill Cosby, Woody Allen, Charlie Rose, Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, oh wait wow
[Gene Hackman Little Bill voice]: Runnin' op-eds by monarchists against votin'? *kick* On the 4th of July!? *much harder kick*
it is not *just* that this is deeply insulting any day of the week, but especially on the 4th of july, it is not *just* that he’s a fucking white man whose ability to vote in this country has never been in doubt, it is also that he’s a fucking liar!
I kneel in the direction of Google HQ chanting my mantra, "the electricity needs of AI supercede the human requirement of an inhabitable planet" outside the window a choir of Boston Dynamics robot dogs bark the national anthem
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. (AP) — Google falling short of important climate target, cites electricity needs of AI.
[being murdered by cows] more like (finger quotes) "moodered" ha ha [the other farm animals immediately join in, even some corn is mad]
Turning a big dial that says "Racisme" on it
“On Tuesday, Mr. Macron accused the new left-wing New Popular Front alliance of Socialist, Green & far-left parties of being totally “immigrationiste” — a word often used by Ms. Le Pen’s party to describe politicians who encourage uncontrolled immigration.” It’s all masks off in The West.
The Nation Resurgent, and Borders, In France, as in the United States, feelings harden against immigrants, and President Emmanuel Macron and President Biden take note.
On week three of my Two-Face experiment. I put all manner of serums and unguents on the right side of my face, including sunscreen when I go out. The left side I wash with Dial hand soap (extra drying) and whisper insults to. I’m starting to look really fucked up 😌
it's time to bring this wonderful image (created by Anthony Michael Kreis) over to Bluesky
Maybe NYPD can use their helicopters as giant fans to cool off the libraries
Four NYPL branches had broken air conditioning this week amid 90-degree temperatures, despite being city-designated "cooling centers." Library officials blame $750,000 in deferred maintenance exacerbated by Mayor Eric Adams’s recent budget reductions.
After budget cuts, NYC's libraries can't fix broken air conditioners amid heat The air conditioning was out in at least four New York Public Library branches on Tuesday, forcing two Staten Island sites to close.
Grandmotherboard, can you come pick me up? The FTC saw me recommend glue pizza and wrote some pretty devastating rhymes about it.
The Federal Trade Commission, of all entities, is out here writing absolute bangers about AI snake oil.
People make fun of Arkansas for having towns like Bald Knob & Booger Hollow, but NY's own Throg's Neck is objectively hilarious. Tolkien-ass name
getting the feeling we made a mistake installing a philosopher-king. he locks himself in his tower and only comes out to say shit like, “I cannot disprove the idea that I am but a brain in a jar?” wow holy shit man, that’s crazy. did you have any ideas about the fucking grain shortage
(to a previously hidden creature that has just opened its glowing red eyes) oh hey man, what’s up
This week's comic: Many white Americans fail to assimilate
Hang on a sec, just gonna duck behind this corporate veil here,
my kid showing me a "funny" tiktok
computer scientists: we have invented a virtual dumbass who is constantly wrong tech CEOs: let's add it to every product
"I don't work here, l'm just black", I respond, angrily. But I do work here. When you go to the counter to ring up your items, l'm there, staring at you, maintaining eye contact while miss-swiping your items several times as the scanner beam illuminates my eyes like a terminator.
Martha Ann Alito is furiously googling “how to hang an American flag even more upside down”
Can’t even imagine how weird a flag Alito’s wife has in the chamber for this one
The cartoon mice who wake me up have built a trebuchet. They’re launching balled-up socks at my face with stunning accuracy
just left a coffee shop and everyone was talking about how zazlav needs to use bill maher’s salary for s3 of raised by wolves
Jane Austen America Book. In June. 🤝 Pride & Prejudice
Gerard Depardon't
the only thing more offensive than transphobes' misuse of science is their misuse of puns