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Wildly anxious pre-k teacher, mum, and curler.
Ok, so it was a miserable night's sleep after being dragged out of bed three times by the wee one. But at least I got to start my morning at 9am with a good ol' probe ultrasound. Yaaaaaaaaaayyy...
Does anyone out here in the Bluesky do at home bodyweight exercises? Or had any success with them? Have advice, pointers, anything? A dodgy thyroid might explain some of my weight gain, but I also need to just MOVE more. And I sure can't afford a gym around here.
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France dropkicked a baldly fascist political coalition out of office, imo if we can’t manage to do the same we should give back the Statue of Liberty
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The thing that's obvious to everyone and that nobody can actually write in the press is that the American (and yes, I'm sure elsewhere too) right wing is led by bad people and the object is to make more people extremely bad in basically every respect. It's anti-society
The wee one has been creating at on her Dad's laptop. Specifically, recreating movies. Guess this scene...
What but WHAT did they have the women wearing for the gymnastics team announcement?!?! It was... ... I mean... I suppose making something unflattering on *every single person* wearing it is its own kind of dubious achievement?
Guess who's been watching the US gymnastics trials...
Wee one wanted a crack at the phone camera today after watching me take a bunch of photos. And she kind of nailed the assignment (now that I have deleted the 8 extra slightly off photos.) Thanks, kid.
New difficulty level in the Don't Laugh Challenge: During the national anthem before a baseball game, your wee daughter stands, then reaches into her pocket for a stashed away pinecone that she holds aloft, very solemnly, for the duration of said anthem.
Being on vacation by the sea is pretty great, though.
It is Vacation Day 1. Within two hours of arriving at our accommodation the wee one has - fallen off the couch - slipped on a rug - smashed her chin on the coffee table Great start. (She is already demanding to go to the beach. So she's at least excited to be here?)
At age 2, kiddo went on a road trip halfway across the US. (NJ to MI.) Same trip also road trips from NJ to the NY Finger Lakes. Handled it well! Age 3? Flew to Australia. 10 flights total. Total champ. Now nearly 4, and she is extremely nervous about a 4 hour trip to Rhode Island tomorrow. 🤷
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(chewing) something's very wrong with this fig newton
so @calicocamryn.bsky.social has just informed me that THIS is Canadian bacon
Fantastic doctor's visit today. Fasted until an 11am appointment in preparation for a blood draw. To be told that the phlebotomist wasn't there today. No other lab available. Also told that I'm about 4lb away from being considered overweight. Yay.
Everyone talks about how toddlers will completely blow out your fruit budget. Well, ours just developed a taste for camembert cheese...
"Go and put your undies back on! You are not doing naked track and field! [*Under breath* even though that's how the Greeks did it during the first Olympics...] Get DRESSED!"
Damn it... I got CYBERSTRUCK last week. It was parked in the same driveway as two regular Teslas and a Rivian pick up truck. Hate to see that power bill...
everyone is the world is playing CYBERSTRUCK, the fun new mandatory game in which you are eliminated when you see your first cybertruck in the wild rules are similar to whamageddon, but with no end date: • the cybertruck must be real, in the wild • as soon as you notice the cybertruck, you are out
Today school was closed due to primary election day. Instead of having a restful day, I instead scrubbed clean two bathrooms and the kitchen. I am exhausted and very, very sore.
The wee one, halfway through lacrosse today: "Why do I have to do so much running when I do sport???" Watching us at #curling really gave her a skewed expectation of what sport involves. 😬
Tell me your playground has no shade without telling me your playground has no shade. #EduSky #PreK
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Yes that would do it
Feeling reckless. Might rearrange my Centers groups. With one month left in the school year. #EduSky #PreK
We have now played MANY games of My First Carcassonne, and the wee one is hooked. She needs reminders about strategy (want to place a Meeple? Gotta close a road...) and she keeps calling it Curacao, but she IS three, so... It figures. Definitely a good purchase! #boardgame
If you, too, have bananas that are more brown than yellow sitting in your kitchen...
The wee one now drops Rs into words where they have no business ("my fan is spinning farst") and I am a very proud Australian. 🥹🥲