
"Sinclair Broadcast Group has flooded a vast network of local news websites w/misleading articles suggesting that Biden is mentally unfit for office. The articles are based on specious social media posts by the RNC, which are then repackaged to resemble news reports. The thinly disguised..."
Sinclair floods local news websites with hundreds of deceptive articles about Biden's mental This month, Sinclair Broadcast Group has flooded a vast network of local news websites with misleading articles suggesting that President Biden is mentally unfit for office. The articles are based on ...
"...political attacks are then syndicated to dozens of local news websites owned by Sinclair, where they are given the imprimatur of mainstream media brands, including NBC, ABC, & CBS."
I received a News Feed from CNN about Biden wandering off. It had been long explained and debunked. Biden is still here. CNN my old news go-to forever is now muted.
Yeah, CNN has gotten really bad during the last couple years 😵‍💫
I had been selective, now they can be more selective if enough do the same. And I am a listen to all kind of news guy. They need to do better than subliminal take downs.
Sinclair should be sued and told to pull the story.
Sinclair keeps rural areas red. If they had access to real news they might figure out that they have been voting against their own interests. The RNC should pay them. Often times they are the only broadcast news available.
It's basically evil.
I don't do well with people who blatantly, knowingly, and in a harmful way deliberately lie.
This is another new lesson for me today. I thought Fox was the big one in rural areas. Now I need look into Sinclair.
I think Sinclair owns Fox? It is confusing. Fox is on one channel and other Sinclair owned local news on another.
I guess it’s just a large corporation that buys up local affiliates. They definitely have an agenda.
They're in El Paso and Amarillo Which also cover parts of NM.
Well now. That would explain my Texas sister-n-law and my brother who live around Amarillo.
I watched that station once. That was enough.
They keep buying up these tiny tv stations that cover rural areas. They have bought 2 or 3 in.this area. They took the local news off the one station less that 12 hrs after buying it. Now they run the National desk, another rightwing propaganda program disguised as a news program.
That's not right at all, lies in place of regular news? They have to be catching on, I would think. Or maybe not 😾
Seems like I've been blocked by Elizabeth after her find farewell. And no, I don't think she ever specifically said anything about 1A limitations. Further evidence why I appreciate #Posties.
What? That escalated quickly. I'm sorry, it's like that sometimes out here. I miss some folks, too.
Need to remember my rule of only engaging with #Posties. Like I tried to tell Ms. Gratten, we might not always agree, but we have a polite, civil discourse. Not shocked. She is probably ranting on her account now about me. Seems to be what she does after skimming her account before responding.
She's not ranting about you, but I wouldn't worry. I opened an acct at another place, Openspace that has more posties with chill vibes if wanna drop in. I've only been a few times, but it seems OK.
Openspace is calm with good people. A good break in the day, but I miss Post's news feed.
Cool! The irony is she was arguing for the 1A and then blocked me. 😂 Cheers! 🥂
Never heard of OpenSpace. I was bummed when Post shut down. Safe place, able to learn & make mistakes. Then learn more. Laugh a bit. You're so good at managing multiple social media sites. Might check it out, but really want to find one place. Need to stick to my Mutuals and Post-Post.
I have been finding Spoutibles to be an interesting alternative. There are lots of Post Refugees there, and the other folks all seem very civil also. I also like that they automatically link multiple sequential posts together, so longer messages are possible.
I'm on Spoutible. It's buggy for me, but I like it. The threaded posts are nice.
Unless Burrito Mussolini backs out of the debate people are about to find out who’s really mentally unfit.
Right? I've been kinda looking forward to it, though I've been betting he cancels.
When a local TV station was purchased by Sinclair, the staff passively protested by doing things like running the Sinclair mandated crap after midnight. The staff contempt was palatable. That staff has slowly been replaced, including on-air personalities.
Just my personal opinion: anyone who is *truly* "metally fit" to do that job is also *so* fit that they know seeking that job would NOT be in the best interests of their mental health. I suspect that whatever we see running for office is probably the third string team @ BEST. It's probably worse.
I think Biden has the emotional maturity and diplomatic training of a good statesman. Makes me wonder what string TFG is, but he's def unfit. Their levels of fitness are not even close and that's the choice in Nov.
No, it's no contest given the choices. (Though I wish Pat Paulsen was still alive to run again.) Still, when I look at our choices & the rapidly decaying society (& rapidly decaying environment), Ephesians 6:12 begins to become more clear w/ each passing day.
Ephesians 6:12 (AMPC) For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the despotisms, against the powers, against [the
Had to look him up. Familiar with the Smothers Brothers' significance but not my generation's tv.
*chuckles* I am well aware. If you go on YouTube & look up some of his broadcast speeches (esp. during the 1968 campaign) they were crazy fun as well as being insane digs at the establishment. One of my favourite lines of his is, "I've upped my standards America; now up yours."
I'll add it to my list, thanks