
Judge Luttig: It can never again be said that in America “no man is above the law.” The Supreme Court held today that the President of the United States — and the former president in particular — is above the law, and the only person in America who is above the law.
Luttig is correct, of course. But a criminal POTUS can also render his henchmen immune from prosecution through the pardon power.
When the highest court in the land (6 of them anyway) is more corrupt that the country of Colombia .....
Umm trump would only be considered above the law for official acts he took while in the Oval. Any crime he's done since getting fired is fair game. Not sure why people keep saying he's above the law. Only in some acts from that horrible 4 years. Am I misunderstanding the ruling?
There's no real clarity as to what constitutes official acts yet, they kicked that can down the road, to the lower courts
That's what I thought. So when lower courts rule a charge wasn't an official act and trial can proceed will they be able to appeal that to the corrupt SC? Meaning no matter what, they protect trump in the end?
That's what it looks like 😔
Seems like a massive waste of time and resources. If they are going to guarantee trump faces no consequences then just rule that way and let us deal with it now. Biden says he won't use his immunity but that could very well change in November. 🙏 Thank you for sharing info and helping understand!