
"In a letter to Madison, Jefferson expressed his belief the Constitution should be rewritten every 19 years to put the power in the hands of each living generation & avoid perpetual law." "that the Constitution must be amended in order to differ from the Framer’s original intent is unrealistic."
Why a Living Constitution is In a letter to James Madison, Thomas Jefferson expressed his belief that the Constitution should be rewritten every 19 years to put the power in the hands of each living generation and avoid “perpetua...
I remember being brought up to think that the greatest thing about our constitution was that it had built in a mechanism to be changed. And that did seem to be true, for nearly 200 years! I realized during the ERA fights that things had changed. Now, the hurdles seem impossibly high.
So many shitty precedents and laws and barriers built around trying to block others from their rights
I think this is the 1st time I've heard of this letter. It makes too much sense for the people of today to take heed.
Oh yes, the right has been pulling a scam on us w/this Originalism BS.
The Roberts' 6 are just tools, & Originalism was just a taxi ride to the destination. Roberts is a screwdriver, Alito a ball peen hammer, Kavanaugh a derelict, dusty woodchipper rarely used, Gorsuch is a coarse sander, Coney Barrett is a shiny hood ornament on a shelf, Thomas-a dull, rusty bonesaw
Well, back into the shed they go!