
Sad. Hand written note tallying up what struck her as a coordinated attack from NYT on Joe Biden. Their history & legacy have taken a hit I'm not sure they can recover from. - How much of this is fear of TFG's potential new power? Or to be the favored genius who "breaks" Joe? SCOTUS did this.
But their fear of his power is exactly why it is critical they utilize investigative journalism & inform voters of the truth regarding trump. Covering for him only helps him get back in the Oval and will result in his control of all media (like Russia). My God. Are these people completely stupid??
We can influence the journalists but the medium is owned by the billionaires so we can't count on the institutions anymore. There has been an active campaign to turn the press into another arm of the oligarchy.
Looks like that campaign is working. New claims Biden knew all ?? in advance and still stumbled. 🙄 He also had a tan before debate yet makeup made him look like death. OTOH trump's makeup looked better than it ever has. Go figure. 15+ events since but only debate talk like nothing else matters.
Oh great, what now? I'll go look, you don't have to go into it. I don't see what knowing questions beforehand has to do with being tired & flabbergasted. He wasn't having a good night. TFG was lying at full speed & JB was trying to keep track of too much bullshit & OTOH deal w/reality. Anyone could.
And how about Trump thinking he beat Obama in 2016, that he’s running against Obama now, that Hailey and Pelosi are the same person? Not to mention the garbage about windmills, batteries and sharks. Also grand jury testimony that he raped little girls, adjudicated rapist, guilty 34 felonies.
It's all about the WHC dinner
That’s okay. I’m sure media have been reporting this nonstop: “ABC News also offered a one-on-one interview with Donald Trump after the debate. He declined.” - Stephanopoulos
They should. But it will barely make a blip. GRRR
Their legacy took a hot after Holodomor, after Iraq WMDs, after "her emails," and this is not what hits their legacy. People have very short memories.
Yeah they've had big blunders in the past but ended up working their way back in. They used that long legacy to do so. But this one hits different: the scope, breadth, sheer quantity, media-layoff desperation, billionaire takeover, Project 2025 looming, & wrapped up in some post-2015-election PTSD.
The greatest trick the devil pulled was convincing that the NYT was liberal media. A consequence of which is that people continually resert to "oh, it is different now. Now they're truly evil."
Things aren't even a little different now?
Things are always different, but as long as I can remember, the NYT always leaned Republican but was positioned as a "liberal rag" by the Republicans. Look at their main opinions writers. Brooks, Douchehat, Stephens, Mo Dowd, ...all Republicans. I do not dispute you feeling differently.
Not interested in reading it anymore, it's not worth it
Their non-political sections have some great writers, but it is hard for me to give them my patronage.
#Biden give NYT daily #oxygen for so called coordinated attack in series of #self-destructive #confabulations #public #gas-lighting #fake #information's & #lies People don't care about articles People surprisingly finally start care about their after-election #future 🤡 Traitor Trump is silent🔴