
it's unsurprising that making the same arguments as clueless ageists, Trump campaigners, and Putin operatives gets you lumped in with clueless ageists, Trump campaigners, and Putin operatives, but there you are
Months ago—when there was time—we asked to get the conversation going about setting Biden aside. We were criticized and accused of ageism and accused of secretly working for Trump and for Putin. Now you same people are sweating and panicking about whether Biden can be replaced.
I've seen otherwise intelligent, responsible, empathetic people write the most hateful ageist bullshit in the past few years and it's like the switch that got flipped after 9/11 and the closet racists got to fly their freak flags. Oh, I mentioned 9/11, I must be AN OLD
well he is doing a genocide so that will cause some vitriol bud
it's not because he's old, it's because he's too centrist and is supporting an "ally's" genocide. strawman has been given a brain and can return home
I rarely talk about US politics here cause I don't know if it's my place to do so (not being American), but I guess Ayo blocked me for saying Biden is competent?
Biden is very together for someone his age, and is the sort of person who would be more together than colleagues half his age. Watching people freak out after one slightly off debate(in an awkward format with CNN doing no fact checks) is kind of worrying.
I wouldn't feel safe having Joe Biden drive me to work, let alone taking on Putin.
Get help, everyone you disagree with isn’t a “Putin operative” 👎🏻
so seeing as how I didn't say that, maybe try again
I don't care how old either of them are. I don't think either of their brains work, so a cognitive test on live TV would solve a lot of problems for me.
it's not ageism to think that what's going on is elder abuse and biden should be replaced for his own good