
Months ago—when there was time—we asked to get the conversation going about setting Biden aside. We were criticized and accused of ageism and accused of secretly working for Trump and for Putin. Now you same people are sweating and panicking about whether Biden can be replaced.
Liberals are obnoxious I have disliked Joe Biden for years. I have consistently disliked Joe Biden for progressive and leftist reasons. I have advocated that Joe Biden step aside. For years. For the exact reasons that you are all pretending that you’ve just noticed (ie, you can’t ignore anymore)
I think liberals have different reasoning than I do. They don't object to what he's doing to Palestinians, to immigrants, with police, etc. But they're deeply uncomfortable w his frailty, which I think is rooted in a desperate need to see whiteness as both life & power, esp at the helm of empire.
This election is terrifyingly necropolitcal.
We could’ve have a convention!! We could’ve had an actual primary!! We should’ve!!
There will be a convention and Dean Phillips was in the primary.
Bernie, AOC, and anyone else was allowed and able to run and chose not to.
People have been posting articles in other threads stating that if anyone tried to run against Biden, they would have threats hanging from the party for it.
Exquisitely frustrating I’m getting more comfortable with the 81-year-old who gets sleepy at night because if this is how everyone half his age goes through life, what’s the advantage they’re bringing to the table
full on projection. they wanted this: a thoroughly useless "left" that loses it all to open nazis. it's the inverse strategy of how nazis are supposed to lose it all to liberals after stifling the actual existing left.
Look I have plenty of issues with Biden but c'mon the time to pick someone else was in 2019 Tossing Biden 6 months ago would have just been handing the presidency to Trump "We don't trust the guy y'all elected" is not the way to present a new candidate
As if we weren't screaming in 2019/2020 and y'all fucking ignored us and called us bitter Bernie Bros.