
Not the most terrifying thing but perhaps the most infuriating: every single thing we said about these fascist Republican fucks has been proved out and all the people who assured us that what is happening would never happen smoothly pivoted to yes it's happening but it will be fine.
Yes, that's pretty much the headspace now occupied by a 40-million-person chunk of the American electorate. Recent reality check aside, the saner among us can't help but wonder "What took you so long to wake up and smell the coffee?" 🤨
Honestly better freaking late than never.
"That's not coffee, it's the whole building" was my first thought
Liked and reposted this so hard I think I started another fire 🤷‍♂️
Did they update this one? It originally had him say "THEY SHOT A GORILLA FOR GODSSAKE" in the third-last panel because it was extremely specific to 2016.