
Avatar How have you been doing. I've been a bit lapsed the past couple of physically/mentally demanding job. I know NOTHING about electrical supply but that is my new job. And 1000ft 8 gauge copper is heavy AF. SO MUCH HEAVY COPPER.
congrats (i think) on the new job! i've been doing well. interviewed for a new position within my company and am waiting to hear back as to whether I got it. and pardon my delay in responding, my kid flew in from colorado for a visit. we've been having some fun. played games w/my friends last night.
Hey, fun time with kid always takes precedent! And 🤞you get the new position. Hopefully your kid is from the "Good" part of CO and not the Bobert part.😜
unfortunately he IS in district 3, but she's jumping over to where people can reach her low-hanging fruit easier (4th district)
Yikes. Well just remind him NOT to try the pork tartar. 🪱🤮