Teresa Völker

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Teresa Völker


Research Fellow @WZB Berlin Social Science Center | PhD @Freie Universität Berlin | protest, far right, political communication
Last Friday I successfully defended my PhD 🥳 Many thanks to my fantastic supervisors Swen Hutter & @caterinafr.bsky.social and committee @mirjamdageforde.bsky.social Barbara Pfetsch @wahlforschung.thorstenfaas.de (unfortunately not in the picture) and everyone who supported me along the way!
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🚨PUBLICATION ALERT! How do far-right actors and issues become mainstream over time? Very excited that our with Daniel Saldivia Gonzatti article is now out in Political Communication #openaccess Polisky commsky @polcomm.bsky.social🔓 doi.org/10.1080/1058... 🧵1/8
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Some of my thought on the Dutch election outcomes can be found in the following media today
Happy personal news: Very excited to have submitted my dissertation "Mainstreaming the Far Right: How Far-Right Actor and Ideas Shape Public Debates" @FU Berlin & that I'll work as a Postdoc @wzb.bsky.social in Swen Hutter's team next year
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The 4th edition of the ECPR Summer School on ‘Concepts and Methods for Research on Far-Right Politics’ is shaping up real nice. The call for applications will be out soon! Mark your calendars—the event will take place in Oslo, 1-5 July 2024. @ecpr.bsky.social @pietrocastellig.bsky.social
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"Does Right-Wing Violence Affect Public Support for Radical Right Parties? Evidence from Germany" Now out in @cpsjournal.bsky.social with page numbers! Blog Post: theloop.ecpr.eu/right-wing-v... Full Article (Open Access): journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.11
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✍️ @alavizzari.bsky.social and I have summarised the main findings of our @wepsocial.bsky.social article on the populist politics of gender in Southern Europe in this GEYPO blog: geypo.es/en/the-gende... Access the full article here: www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10....
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Happy to be back at the DeZIM Institut in Berlin for the #RaMi symposium! Today and tomorrow, we will discuss how the far-right is being normalized and becoming more mainstream, mainly through the paths created by those in the center, or in other words, the #RadicalizedMainstream.
“Deliberative responsiveness constitutes a promise representative democracy can and should fulfil” ⬇️ Timely article for Polisky
In the eyes of many citizens, democracy fails to meet its promises. In a new paper just published in Res Publica, Armin Schäfer and I argue that deliberative responsiveness constitutes a promise representative democracy can and should fulfill. Open access link: rdcu.be/dp9lj
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My book is here! Such a wonderful feeling to see it in print. While the book covers a group of parties that is very successful in the volatile party systems of Centr.&Eastern Europe, I learned a lot from studying these parties for party system change in general. A thread 1/10
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🚨 New tool to classify text into discrete emotions! I have fine-tuned a mDeBERTa model based on crowd-coded data described in my Political Analysis study (see link below). Unlike the ELECTRA model discussed in the paper, this new tool is MULTILINGUAL (up to 100 languages) #TADAsky #CPSky #Polisky
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🚨 New article in Electoral Studies with C. Ivanusch & T. Burst: How do parties deal with changing campaign contexts? Using the case of the 🇩🇪 election 2021, we show that the parties adjusted their issue communication to their competitors and external events, but less to voter concerns or poll trends.
Communicating in an eventful campaign: A case study of party press releases during the German federa...www.sciencedirect.com Party competition during the German federal election campaign 2021 was marked by major external events and remarkable shifts in poll ratings. Existing…
🆕PUBLICATION ALERT To what extent and how do terrorist attacks influence public debates? What are the differences between public debates after extreme right and Islamist terrorist attacks? Very happy to see my single-authored paper out @JEPP #openaccess doi.org/10.1080/1350... Polisky🧵1/
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"Demokratie um 12" geht in die 17. Runde! Diese Woche am Do von 12-13 Uhr in der LV RLP in Berlin. Thema "Die Macht der Worte: Wie sehr radikalisiert sich der politische Diskurs?" Anmelden nicht vergessen unter veranstaltungen.berlin @ stk.rlp.de
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Do you study elite communication surrounding democratic backsliding? David Knoll, @gessler.bsky.social, Christina Zuber and I are looking for contributions to our panel proposal for the upcoming DVPW conference. Please reach out if you want to be part! Early career scholars are welcomed! 🙋‍♀️ polcom
🌍🔥 Am Montag startet die Seminarreihe "Kritik und Zukunft des liberalen Skripts", aktuelle Forschung u.a. mit @heikekluever.bsky.social @heikogiebler.bsky.social @steffenmau.bsky.social an der FU & Online Polisky
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Finally our JEPP paper "Democracy challenged: different party families politicize different democratic principles" (with @gessler.bsky.social @tabouchadi.bsky.social @lleemann.bsky.social has a volume number. A thread 👇1/n
End of feed.