APSA & ICA Political Communication Divisions

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APSA & ICA Political Communication Divisions


Official account of the @APSAtweets & @icahdq #PolComm Divisions | posts by @QrdKnpfr.bsky.social | https://facebook.com/groups/politicalcom | @[email protected] | https://politicalcommunication.org/
**POLCOMM PUBLICATION FRIDAY** “The Illiberal Public Sphere: Media in Polarized Societies” Make sure to catch this new (Open Access!) book by Václav Štětka & Sabina Mihelj, focused on the increasing threats to liberal democratic order: www.springerprofessional.de/en/the-illib...
The Illiberal Public Spherewww.springerprofessional.de This open access book provides the first systematic analysis of the role of the media in the rise of illiberalism, based on an original theoretical framework and extensive empirical research in Eastern Europe – a region that serves as a key battleground in the global advance of illiberalism. Liberal democracies across the world are facing a range of challenges, from the growing influence of illiberal leaders and parties to deepening polarization and declining trust in political elites and mainstream media. Although these developments attracted significant scholarly attention, the factors that contribute to the spreading of illiberalism remain poorly understood, and the communication perspective on illiberalism is particularly underdeveloped. Štětka and Mihelj address this gap by introducing the concept of the illiberal public sphere, identifying the key stages in its development, and explaining what makes illiberalism distinct from related phenomena such as populism. Their analysis reveals how and why the changing communication environment facilitates selective exposure to ideologically and politically homogeneous sources, fosters changes in normative assumptions that guide media trust, increases vulnerability to disinformation, and goes hand in hand with growing hostility to immigration and LGBTQ+ rights. The findings challenge widespread assumptions about digital platforms as key channels of illiberalism and suggest that their role shifts as the illiberal sphere progresses. The arguments presented in this book have important implications for future research on challenges to liberal democracy, as well as for journalists, media regulators and other professionals committed to rebuilding media trust and containing the forces of polarization.
Murthy v. Missouri decision: SCOTUS rejects arguments that government illegally "censored" protected speech, ruling that plaintiffs lack standing. Very good day for social media moderation and for researchers caught in the crosshairs of a ludicrous accusation. www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23p...
🎉 Manuscript accepted 🎉 "Who Decides? Media, MAGA, Money, and Mentions in the 2022 Republican Primaries" with @blumrm.bsky.social & @smotus.bsky.social is now forthcoming at Political Research Quarterly Pre-print here: mikecowburn.com/wp-content/u...
If you haven't seen our @polcomm.bsky.social panel "Trusting, Criticizing, and Avoiding News Media," you can still do so in the #ica2024 website/mobile app! Thanks to the organizers for the hybrid option 👩‍💻 Hopefully we will also see hybrid panels at #ica2025 in Denver!
✨POLITICAL COMMUNICATION REPORT✨ SPRING ISSUE (29) "Emerging Challenges and New Approaches in the Study of Elections and Campaigns"
**POLCOMM PUBLICATION FRIDAY** The Spring Issue (29) of the POLITICAL COMMUNICATION REPORT on… “Emerging Challenges and New Approaches in the Study of Elections and Campaigns” With 6 essays & 4 Awardee Interviews! 🧵⤵️ politicalcommunication.org/issue/spring...
Pleased to have this piece w/ @heesoojang.bsky.social published in the @polcomm.bsky.social report!
Finally, Heesoo Jang & @shannimcg.bsky.social point out that democracy itself is currently at stake & that media coverage, as well as PolComm scholarship, need to be more firmly rooted in a commitment to democratic norms. politicalcommunication.org/article/norm...
**POLCOMM PUBLICATION FRIDAY** The Spring Issue (29) of the POLITICAL COMMUNICATION REPORT on… “Emerging Challenges and New Approaches in the Study of Elections and Campaigns” With 6 essays & 4 Awardee Interviews! 🧵⤵️ politicalcommunication.org/issue/spring...
I'm hiring a postdoc with expertise in computational methods and group identities (e.g. race, gender, religion, nationality, etc.). Please share with anyone you think might be interested. www.asc.upenn.edu/news-events/...
Call for Applications: Postdoctoral Researcher in Communication, Group Identity, and Computational Methodswww.asc.upenn.edu
Get ready for our fabulous Journalism Studies Division program at #ica24 in Gold Coast, Australia! Below are all our sessions for Friday, June 21, including our 20th anniversary session, business meeting and social! Come & join us! @icacat.bsky.social @polcomm.bsky.social @icagames.bsky.social
**POLCOMM PANELS AT #ICA24** Heading to Australia's Gold Coast? Overwhelmed by the extensive program? The #PolComm Division's got you covered! Check out our handy 1-p. PolComm Panel Overview! PDF, available here: politicalcommunication.org/wp-content/u...
Help us get the word out about #ICA #PolComm Division's Student & Early Career Reception at #ICA24!
PolComm Student & Early Career Meetup at #ICA24! Join us on Sat., June 22, from 6-7:30 pm for an evening of networking, canapés, & drinks! We will also invite senior scholars to serve as mentors in this session. Please register using this form: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1F...
PolComm Student & Early Career Meetup at #ICA24! Join us on Sat., June 22, from 6-7:30 pm for an evening of networking, canapés, & drinks! We will also invite senior scholars to serve as mentors in this session. Please register using this form: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1F...
🌟Welcome First-Time ICA Attendees to the #PolComm Community!🌟 Remember your first #ICA experience? Volunteer to meet a new member for coffee and share your tips on navigating #ICA24. New? Get paired with a seasoned member for coffee and guidance!🗺️ Sign up here: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1F...
🚨DEADLINE COMING UP!!!🚨 #APSA2024 #PolComm Travel Fund ⌛️MAY 31⌛️
📣ATTENTION POLCOMM STUDENTS (undergrad, Master’s, & Ph.D.): Heading to #APSA2024 and/or the #PolComm pre-conference? Submit your application to the APSA Political Communication Section's SPARK Program and Travel Fund! Deadline: May 31. More info: politicalcommunication.org/upcoming-aps...
**POLCOMM PUBLICATION FRIDAY** What can PolComm scholarship teach us about public perceptions & news coverage of protests? Check out this collection of IJPP essays on “News Coverage of Protests”: journals.sagepub.com/topic/collec... 🧵⤵️
📣ATTENTION POLCOMM STUDENTS (undergrad, Master’s, & Ph.D.): Heading to #APSA2024 and/or the #PolComm pre-conference? Submit your application to the APSA Political Communication Section's SPARK Program and Travel Fund! Deadline: May 31. More info: politicalcommunication.org/upcoming-aps...
Job opportunity in Zurich! For our SNSF project on political influencers and their effect on youth political engagement, we are looking for a Postdoc and a PhD student to work with us over the next 4 years. More details: tinyurl.com/nkt5xnxn. Please share. @polcomm.bsky.social , #polisky
📣ATTENTION POLCOMM STUDENTS (undergrad, Master’s, & Ph.D.): Heading to #APSA2024 and/or the #PolComm pre-conference? Submit your application to the APSA Political Communication Section's SPARK Program and Travel Fund! Deadline: May 31. More info: politicalcommunication.org/upcoming-aps...
**POLCOMM PUBLICATION FRIDAY** Moving into election seasons in various countries around the world, the role of social media-enabled influencers remains underexplored. Enter a new study by Zelly Martin, Gabrielle D. Beacken, Inga K. Trauthig, & Samuel C. Woolley journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/...
Sage Journals: Your gateway to world-class research journalsjournals.sagepub.com Subscription and open access journals from Sage, the world's leading independent academic publisher.
Attention: We're extending the due date for (self)nominations for the 2024 ICA Journalism Studies Public Engagement Award. The award recognizes a peer who has successfully engaged with publics and organizations outside of academia. The new due date is April 8, 2024. www.icahdq.org/blogpost/151...
Just one more week to go! Look into our 2024 JSD awards to (self)-nominate by April 1! 👇🏽👇🏻👇🏿👇🏾👇🏼#ica24 #Goldcoast @icagames.bsky.social @polcomm.bsky.social @icacat.bsky.social
Check out our 2024 awards! The Wolfgang Donsbach Outstanding Journal Article of the Year Award is open to authors whose articles have appeared in peer-reviewed journals in the year 2023. The due date for nominations is April 1, 2024. More information can be found here: www.icahdq.org/blogpost/151...
Long in the planning, now finally a reality. Fantastic opportunity in an exciting part of the world. Go for it!
📢 ICA’s #PolComm Division is thrilled to announce the first-ever Delhi School on Political Communication! 🗓 Dates: Aug 22-23, 2024 📍 Venue: Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi 🔗 More info & full CfP: politicalcommunication.org/wp-content/u...