
Thank you for your amazing scholarship !! I am an undergrad cybersecurity student and I’m utilizing your paper to conduct a root cause analysis of computational history and AI usage in cyber defense for my finals this year. It’s been one of my fav papers for a few months now!
The work and scholarship you personally do and the work at Signal has inspired me to study cybersecurity and computer science and build as well as stay informed from a sociological and historical lens so thank you so much!
Oh this is so rad! I'm very happy and honored to hear this, and would love to follow your work. It's going to take all of us to get it done!
Just started reading, and I'm amazed how little this side of computing history has been covered before. Hadn't seen almost any practically mainstream stories about why logic machines were built, as a lot of (commercial) history is often prettified by hiding the facts. Thank you for writing about it!
Thank you for your work πŸ–€πŸ™πŸ»