
The Summer Solstice, =Midsummer's Day=, does not mark the=beginning= of Summer, but the HEIGHT of Summer. The beginning was back on May 1st (or thereabouts). It can't be =both= the first day of Summer =and= Midsummer's Day, unless you're really bad at math. I'll go yell at clouds now. (Grump!)
they are different ..the Summer Solstice varies between the 19th and 22nd of June and is a astronomical event and marks the start of summer ..Mid summers day is a set day , 24th June .and is a quarter day ,.invented by the church to try and stamp out pagan holidays ie the summer solstice
No, no, no. You shake your fist at the *clouds* and grumpily tell the kids to stay off your lawn until the Autumnal Equinox. 😇