
I'd no idea how prophetic this would be when I posted it 22 hours ago. Congratulations, UK folks. I want this here, too. (Including the "more than two parties" bit, frankly - it's become very much religious right-wing vs. corporate right-centrist in the USA, these past couple/few decades).
🎶"Pack up your Tories in an old kit bag and smile, smile, smile."🎵
Yes but consider that Labour’s share of the vote increased by less than 2%. UK voters haven’t suddenly embraced Labour; the real story is many former Conservative voters switched to farther-right Reform, splitting the vote on the right. In my experience, such schisms on the right are temporary.
The 1st-past-the-post system means Reform won very few seats, despite getting a significant % of votes. This scenario has happened twice in my country in my lifetime. Both times the establishment conservative party merged with the newer one, pushing it further right while making it more electable.