
Bike-commuting the past twelve months has been many things: - A struggle against self of biking 18 miles per day (met by biking 2-4 days/wk) - A struggle against nature by the seasons (which I've met w/planning) - A struggle ag. poor infrastructure (a combo of mixed traffic & overgrown vegetation)
July 2023 was when I started my effort in earnest of bike commuting. The new job I'd started was amenable, in their office and geographically, to bike commuting. In practice, every biking day has actually been driving 5mi one-way to a safer starting point than home & another 9 of biking O-W
There’s no bad biking weather only bad clothing. I love my ShowersPass gear. Some Marino wool and the right layers can get you through some tough winters. I’ve got some recs of anyone is interested.
What is the specific weather you wanna beat?
For wind I use my rain gear. When I’m properly layered in wool the rain gear acts as a thermal wind layer really amplifying the heat. I dress way cooler if I wear my rain gear.
What’s your lowest temp? Hilly?
Chicago so no hills, lowest temp I would actually consider biking at would be like single digits