
The most important lesson in eradicating the right is the lesson my dad imparted on my when I held off on beating the shit out of a friend who’d hit on Maura because he started to cry: “No, that’s when you hit them the hardest!”
Kick them until they're down then keep going.
They will never respect you. But you can make them fear you.
reduce their worldview to a self-harming kink isolated from the rest of the world
There was a time when it was shameful to be a fascist in public in most of the world. Even when there were plenty of people in power who sympathized, they knew better than to voice it. I’d rather live there than in a world where they aren’t frightened.
Anyone to the right of Eisenhower has proven themselves incapable of governing, their only silver lining is the consequences of their actions tend to happen during the next person's term.
“Silent Cal” slipping out the door and letting Hoover discover the nuke under the economy’s floorboards.
It’s almost like we forgot about the dapper darling of the far right whose last public statement was “this is Pepe, he’s kind of a symbol” before taking a shot to the mush and pretty much disappearing forever
also i think their nastiest fucking weapon. The insidious way it feels like they make us more like them.