
This stupid immunity ruling and remand back to Chutkan is going be the legal clusterfuck of all legal clusterfucks. Every ruling she makes will be appealable, by both sides; a ping pong ball going from the federal court to SCOTUS and back forever.
It’s the evidentiary hearings that we’ll see a lot of that hurts Trumps popularity. Rather than the convictions.
I think the policy in federal court about live audio or video feeds is “no dice.” How will we even know about it? Sure, there’s the news and the papers but that info is truncated and spin-able at best. There aren’t many of us who download and read transcripts which is the best source of info.
In lieu of a trial, I'm not sure this is actually a bad thing, politics wise.
If democrats hammer on the fact that he’s still tied up in litigation, sure. I worry that frustration will keep Dem voters home.
That does seem to have been the plan all along.