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Taking it one WTF at a time.
Ok, I’m full of reflections today. First, re-watching The Handmaid’s Tale, this time as more of a survival guide. Second, who do you think would be the first to go all Aunt Lydia? I think it would be Mika. Third, it’s astonishing how easily people are manipulated.
I understand the Republicans would like the meeting during which they devise their platform to be closed-door. Unusual. Or maybe they don’t want us to know that the platform is Project 2025. But I think we all know that. Don’t we.
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If you think the Heritage Foundation wants Biden to stay in because they think he’ll lose, you’re missing the point. If he tries to drop out, it will be playing right into their hands. The right will take that golden opportunity to turn the election into even more of a gigantic shitshow.
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Last night I dreamed that Trump had taken over. I was part of the resistance and poisoned a bunch of MAGAts with lasagna.
Ok, I’m not having the gun conversation anymore.
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On June 1st, inhaler costs were capped at $35 per month thanks to the Biden-Harris Administration's efforts! This is a game-changer for millions of Americans living with asthma and other respiratory conditions. #BreatheEasierWithBiden
I thought pets were supposed to sense when you’re not feeling well. I had oral surgery yesterday and cat and dog have been nothing but pests. I don’t want to be crawled on!
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Here’s a good guide to trump’s platform. Please share it. Voters must know this isn’t just a plan by some republicans. This is the reality trump will bring about.
The People’s Guide to Project 2025 - Democracy
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We should really be in the streets with pitchforks today.
Democrats think that the creature will crawl out of the muck to fight us. No, it won’t; it feels safe there. We have to crawl into the muck with the creature to vanquish it. I’d rather we get dirty now (we can shower later) than let the creature live.
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If a sitting Supreme Court Justice is telling you they fear for our democracy, you should too. 127 days from now we will all have to choose between the America we all love, or Donald Trump. -Lincoln Project
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Unless Trump loses, America ends. Timothy Snyder
Over the last 9 years, I’ve thought about getting a gun. Now, I want one just so this can happen: MAGA HATS: Well, little lady, why you here? Ready to fight Antifa and BLM? ME: Silly. No, I’m here so you know you’re not the only ones who are armed.
Somebody tell me something good. Or a joke. Anything.
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Having watched Rachel’s interview with Stormy Daniels, I keep thinking how easy it will be for Trump to go after any one of us for posting things he doesn’t like. He is that petty and that evil and he will be able to do it.
All I know is, I don’t care, at this point, whether it’s Biden or Kamala or a potato, as long as they’re a democrat, I’m voting for them. I cannot let Trump win.
This stupid immunity ruling and remand back to Chutkan is going be the legal clusterfuck of all legal clusterfucks. Every ruling she makes will be appealable, by both sides; a ping pong ball going from the federal court to SCOTUS and back forever.
Boy, that first coffee I had this morning sure did taste good because I was living in a democracy, tattered though it was. The second coffee, I drank in a country I do not recognize. And yet, I’m still in the United States.
The Supreme Court is taking the word “supreme” a bit too literally.
So, is Joe Biden now King Joe? I mean, I could live with that.
Ok, first of all, they could have done this months ago. Second of all, fuckyoufuckyoufuckyou SCOTUS and third, nice knowin’ ya, democracy.
Me? Oh, nothing. Just enjoying what could be my last coffee in a democracy.
Reposted byAvatar TheBaroness
Best and most important quote from Monica Pressley. “The proof that Biden is capable of running the country is that he is actually running it”. This needs to be repeated a billion times.
Anyone else dreading tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m.?
If SCROTUS grants Trump immunity tomorrow, the question should not be whether Biden should drop out but is he too honorable a man to send a sniper to Trump’s next rally.
So, Trump’s plane and a Russian plane mysteriously sat side by side for some period of time. Trump bragged that Putin would release Gershkovich the second he becomes president, before he’s inaugurated, even. Isn’t there a thing about we only have one president at a time?
Good morning. I hate to ruin a perfectly good Sunday for y’all but you do know that while you were arguing over whether Biden should drop out, SCOTUS rendered our government obsolete, absolved 100s of not 1000s of J6 rioters of some of their wrongdoing and, tomorrow will issue its immunity ruling.