
North Carolina GOP gov nominee Mark Robinson endorses political violence in June 30 video surfaced by The New Republic: "Kill them! Some liberal somewhere is gonna say that sounds awful. Too bad! ... Some folks need killing! It's time for somebody to say it."
Aaron Rupar (@aaron.rupar) on North Carolina GOP gov nominee Mark Robinson endorses political violence in June 30 video surfaced by @newrepublic: "Kill them! Some liberal somewhere is gonna say that sounds awful. Too bad! ......
Some folks would do well to remember that the Right aren’t the only ones who are armed.
Everyone should own one. Everyone. Tyranny is coming if we don’t rock this vote out in November. I don’t care if it’s Biden or any other. We have to show up!
I have, over the last nine years, considered getting my permit and a gun. I despise guns but it seems increasingly necessary. I don’t want to be part of the problem but the problem, it seems, will be coming after me if we lose in November.
You know what fired up the “Right?” Seeing a successful black man as President of the United States. That’s how all this ugliness poked its head out. I’m 54 and he was the best President I’ve ever had in my lifetime. They fucking hated that guy, and it’s all payback for them.
I was so happy, so proud of us when we elected Obama. I had real hope that we had finally turned a page. I grew up watching racial cruelty and injustice unfold and, even as a child, couldn’t understand why. The last 9 years have proved “America” is a lie.