
This piece is maddeningly sparse on specifics, when it's easy to think of viable hypotheticals Example: ➡️ Find just 1 person in any Fifth Circuit state claiming they voted for Biden ➡️ File suit claiming Ds nominating anyone who was not the primary winner violates the Guarantee Clause 1/
You know who made it difficult to replace Biden? The Democrats. Because if they wanted to do it they should have done it 6 months ago.
Who is this “they”? Democratic primary voters? Because they overwhelmingly voted for Biden.
No, I mean the party apparatus. If they wanted an alternative to Biden they would have needed to get them out there well before the primaries. To be clear, I’m not saying they SHOULD have done that. Biden is their best candidate. I’m just saying that they don’t need Republicans “forcing” them.
The “party apparatus” doesn’t determine who runs. Individual potential candidates make that decision.
I think that’s true ideally, but in reality, without the support of the party, that’s pretty difficult.