
Everyone here knows my opinion about Biden but to pretend he and Trump are similar or indistinguishable is disingenuous nonsense.
Right? Biden’s performance was somewhat dismal last night, but that was not nearly the worst issue of the evening
A disaster and everyone who greenlighted Biden doing this should be fired. I argued it was a mistake to validate Trump as a legitimate or routine candidate but I also read that Time interview with Biden and while I do not think he is senile he is seriously diminished and communicates poorly.
Ive seen dementia up close with a couple family members Joe is not senile (yet) but is losing steam fast. His performance last night does not relieve fears of his ability to do this job for another 4 years I don’t think Joe should step aside now but wish he would have never run in the 1st place
Your country is booming economically, destroyed the strategic threat from a geopolitical foe at zero cost, is transitioning off fossil fuels at an amazing rate and removed the threat of a fast galloping plague but you wish the leader who did all that never lead? Make it make sense?