
I find it difficult to answer 'what's your favourite book'. I have books I've enjoyed in the past or books I've enjoyed recently, but find it difficult to choose one as my favourite. Especially now as I tend to analyse them more! Does anyone else find this? #WritingCommunity #Booksky #Author
I find it simple, War and Peace, translated of course. Everytime I suffer writing hubris and consider myself a demigod of the written word, I read it again. It makes me humble. It puts me in awe. There is only one Tolstoy.
I don't read many books anymore, mostly short stories. So I also have no idea how to answer the question 🤣
Yes my favourite book has changed several times over the years. My favourite when I was 6 is not my favourite book now.
Yeah, I think this is how I feel as well! Very difficult to choose/recommend just one
So Best Sellers are out as are many “classics”, I never Pay Any Attention To The NYTimes Book Section or Their Bestseller List nor do I usually pay attention to the USA Today bestseller list. The NYTimes never has any thing of interest to me in books
If I recommend anything I want to know what my audience likes. I read most types of books, but I don’t read Best Sellers and that sort and I don’t read most of the books recommended by English Teachers or people like them.
That's true, I always try to recommend based on who's asking (with varying degrees of success). My reading tastes tend to whatever grabs my attention in the bookstore, so I don't even have a common theme for my recommendations 😅
Oh I read Mostly Romance now, but I am also a Fan of SF and Fantasy. I have read some Westerns and some Mysteries and some suspense and some spy novels and little bit of Horror. So I have some familiarity with various Genres
I always seem to defer to the ones I read as a teenager as I had a more emotional response to them. I think it is because I was more receptive and less of a cynic 😅