
Another editing sprint done! Making good progress through A Visitor IV, one of my interlude chapters. Should have it completed tomorrow. Then we're well past the halfway point! Anyone else make any progress today? #WritingCommunity #Booksky #Author #Fantasy
I'm currently at a stand still because my editor hasn't been able to get to my work yet. So I've been working with the artist for illustrations. They're coming out so good.
Ahh that sucks, but at least the illustrations sound exciting! Is it cover art or story illustrations?
So right now, I have three illustrations for inside the book, and he's currently working on the cover art. It's not a ton of illustrations planned but enough to sprinkle them about. Just a little flair.
That sounds really cool! It's always nice to have a little bit of visual input in a book. Excited to hear more!
Good progress on a summary for a horror piece. I don't know what I pulled inside me, but the writing made me uncomfortable. I'm in a good direction.
Sounds like a good horror piece if even you're uncomfortable with it! Is it a short story? And when do you think it'll be ready to share?
It's probably going to be novella-length when I'm done with it. There's a mystery and slight thriller element to it. I don't know when I'll be finished because I'm taking it a little bit at a time. Perhaps after the summer?
Sounds interesting, love those themes. Hope the rest of it goes smoothyl!