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Geek, gamer, whingebag (he/him)

'Dicemechanic' on Discord.

Designer of an Excel character sheet that Green Ronin used to host on their website.

Blogs rarely at
Reposted byAvatar Phil
Cockney rhyming slang, 2024 update:
Sexually Suggestive
Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
Reposted byAvatar Phil
Having read a big chunk of this, I'd forgotten what a solid core game engine it has. It's also 10x better written than ropey core rules that came in the original box set. Definitely want to bring it to the virtual table, with a streamlined character sheet
Feeling a bit rough, so no more chores and instead settling down to some conservatory reading...
Fucking YES! Courts of Ardor in Southern Middle Earth is MINE! Probably the rarest MERP module, this sold for over £120 earlier this year. £28 will do nicely 😁
Feeling a bit rough, so no more chores and instead settling down to some conservatory reading...
Delighted to see Jacqui Smith given a ministerial post I had the privilege to work with her in the days after the expenses scandal when she was a forgotten ex-minister taking on consultancy work to pay the bills She's lovely, charming and smart, a doer with an undemanding manner. So happy for her.
Welcome to WFRP3 Sunday! I spent my exhausted post election all nighter putting away the couple of new sets of WFRP3 gubbins I wanted last year, so thought I'd share it's beautiful yet somewhat ridiculous excesses with you all! 1/
Gonna tweet about this a bit later...
Gonna tweet about this a bit later...
Reposted byAvatar Phil
This one, more than most, makes me feel old. When The Wasp Factory came out I’d just started on Fleet Street and Iain was still working round the corner on Chancery Lane. I can still remember the fuss when it came out.
‘An explosion of talent’: Iain Banks’s The Wasp Factory at As a new anniversary edition of the late author’s landmark debut is published, high profile fans reflect on an extraordinary career
How long do you reckon Simon "partygate" Case stays on as the Cabinet Secretary under Starmer (and Sue Gray)?
Gonna post a pic of all my WFRP3 gubbins later, now it's all been recategorised and alphabetised #Teaser
Reposted byAvatar Phil
If you want to prepare your responses for this year's #RPGaDAY in August, the prompts can be found here, with a cool alternative if you fancy a change.
Announcing #RPGaDAY2024 for Roleplaying gaming blog with movie reviews TV nerdery and geek content #RPGaDAY
After the excitement of election night, had an anticlimax moment yesterday afternoon. THEN I remembered things that can happen right away. Rwanda, scrapped. NHS strikes, negotiated. C4, ni privatisation. Basic executive decisions that will be done differently, without needing parliament to sit.
Earlier Me: ok, I backed BEACON RPG Kickstarter, and I get discounted PoD, and I never read pdfs... so, sure, I'll order it Me Now: HOLY SHIT this is a BEAST! Softcover but over an inch thick! Where the hell am I gonna shelve it?!!!! Looks AMAZING though. Great job 😁
It's important to spend post-election days off wisely. So I've been sorting out my tokens and cards for WFRP3, obviously 🙂
Not seen MERP "The Grey Mountains" very often I stopped logging sold items a long while back, but I know a copy sold for c. £180 in Dec-2023. Just spotted a copy on "Buy It Now" for £19.99 😱 So that's book 74 crossed off the list 😁
Now THAT was a fucking good speech. Where has that Starmer been for the last six weeks?
My yummy breakfast Sadly, didn't quite get to the camera in time...
Reposted byAvatar Phil
Unfortunately FPTP is like The One Ring of UK politics: whoever wins does a Boromir/Isildur and thinks "Maybe we shouldn't destroy it, maybe we should use its terrible power for good?"
Has anyone checked on ? Has he made it thru the night in one piece?
Right. Sending daughter off to school, then table booked at gastropub for breakfast, and then bed 😁
BBC showing interview with Liz Truss. Still no acceptance of fault. It's because taxes were too high, human rights act, and immigration. Not because she crashed the economy. What a vile, stupid person
She finally turned up. So wicked, dishonest, negligent but not a coward 😋
She finally turned up. So wicked, dishonest, negligent but not a coward 😋
Looks like Liz Truss's seat is going to be announced WITHOUT her being there. If true, she's not only incompetent, she's a coward.
Looks like Liz Truss's seat is going to be announced WITHOUT her being there. If true, she's not only incompetent, she's a coward.
Mrs Mechanic has finally dropped off. I had my nap at 1am so I'm fine now.
Reposted byAvatar Phil
In a stunning upset in Glasgow, all six seats were won by past or future incarnations of Doctor Who.
Interesting stage management for Starmers victory speech. Had all the young, diverse activists behind him as he spoke, projecting a sense of youth and the future. All the crusty middle aged supporters were round the side, off camera.
I don't know if Starmer is going to able to do as much as we'd like to improve things. But I do believe that for the next five years, at least things won't get any worse. After 14 years, that's something.
Haven't had a drink in weeks, but just opened the champers. Tho just a cheap bottle of Coop champagne. I'm not silly. OMG - BREAKING NEWS, REES MOGG IS OUT!!! YOU GHOULISH VICTORIAN CUNT