
During a 1993 interview, Charlie Rose asked Toni Morrison about the LA riots. “What struck me most about those who rioted was how long they waited-the restraint they showed. Not the spontaneity, the restraint. They waited and waited for justice, and it didn't come. No one talks about that..."
Toni Morrison on Rodney King and the LA Riots of Toni Morrison sits with Charlie Rose, and speaks on Rodney King and the LA Riots of 1992.
Thinking always about these Gwendolyn Brooks lines from "my dreams, my works must wait til after hell": No man can give me any word but Wait, The puny light.
Question I have is, why the looting? Stealing TV’s, electronics, etc. & burning buildings of innocent store owners has no place in any protest. Also, the brutal beating of Reginald Denny is acceptable? He was just a truck driver (white) pulled out of his truck & beaten nearly to death.
America was made out of looting. Ask America, not me.
Why is all the human collateral of oppression and genocide and state violence acceptable but the property/financial capital of protest isn’t? Bad things sometimes happen when people protest, but worse things at a larger & longer scale are what leads to the protest in the first place.
Some people steal TVs. Some people steal people.
Also tbc when I say “bad things” can happen in protests I mean bodily harm to innocent people, I don’t care if someone steals a tv.
Your thoughts on the beating of Reginald Denny?
Kevin, would it be ok for someone to steal your TV, burn down your home although you have nothing whatsoever to do with it?
I see none of you responded to my post about Reginald Denny; the totally innocent white truck driver who was pulled from his truck & nearly beaten to death.. that’s acceptable? Spin that.
Go right ahead and justify looting. To me, it’s wrong. Watch the film of some of this, the looters are happy and bragging about getting stolen electronics. And, burning innocent ppl businesses is just wrong; spin it any way you’d like.