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Poor Mr. Costner, he tries so hard…
Every time I see JD Vance I remember he’s not the eye patch guy
I honestly think The Daily Show with Jon Stewart did more than the West Wing to break liberal brains with the notion that you can win in politics by being self-righteous and correct but doesn’t get nearly as much flack.
Re: The Bear, I can respect playing with form and subverting expectations but it was clear by the finale that Season 3 was just anti-drama.
I appreciate about how BlueSky carves up replies to a single threads to make it look like someone is just ranting across your feed. Makes me feel like the gods are laughing at us
The Bear is very well made but we have to admit it has the race/class sensibilities of Hamilton.
I feel like everybody listens to middle school music permanently now. I dunno how else to describe it. Disney Channel music became the main type of music
Elie Metchnikoff:
going to be royally Pissed if it turns out the reason ive been so mentally ill the past few weeks is i fell off eating yogurt every day
This “debates don’t matter”/“Trump was talking nonsense” cope is exactly that. Biden walks away from that debate looking unfit to govern; Trump does, too, but not any more than he already did and, frankly, due to temperament not cognitive acuity. This is bad.
Don’t move to Canada. Just ride this out until we can start building a new country right here.
For anyone looking to come up to Canada after whatever debate debacle just happened, you should know that we also have a liberal leader who has lost everyone's trust and a right-wing dipshit who throws out dog whistles, just to set your expectations a bit lower 😅
Liberals on BlueSky: Maybe it wasn’t SO bad… Me:
Biden really should not have run again.
Feel like I’m going insane as everyone refers to “Dr. Disrespect” as a person who not only exists but we all I guess knew about?
Suburban kids are wild. My 7yo had basketball camp thru the parks department and these young guys got all pissy about wanting to use the hoop. One guy addressed his friend as “L’il Murder.” When I told my wife she said, “Shut up. I grew up in East Chicago and never met anyone named ‘L’il Murder’.”
Post an image people will hear when they see it
post an image that people will hear when they see it
If you’re going to tease a villain reveal for half a season probably shouldn’t end up being just some guy.
I googled how many episodes of the Acolyte there are after watching the 5th episode and an AI prompt told me 4.
We’re *this* close to Kavanaugh, Thomas and Alito waking up in a Vegas hotel room with a live tiger in the bathtub and a missing Neil Gorsuch.
the Supreme Court’s jurisprudence on corruption is basically at a point where the only thing that counts as a bribe is someone handing a public official a giant bag of money with a dollar sign on it while saying “this is a bribe” out loud
there’s something deeply funny about the fact that a platform led by cutting edge technologists, that exists due to their innovation and effort, managed to gather a huge cohort of people who use the decentralized protocol to argue that innovation and technology is bad
Sometimes I think about how in The Last Samurai Edward Zwick copied his own “soldiers emerging through the mist” shot from Glory and I get mad all over again
Couldn’t believe when Kendrick summoned the Furies to drag Drake’s plaintive, torture-addled soul to the cthonic depths of Tartarus
Every time some reply guy randomly tries to take down some popular account it’s like an allegory for trying to kill Death
You say "must be created by a human artist", but a human most definitely did "create" this art in a sense; computers don't just decide to create art by themselves. These humans "cheated", but the distinction between what is considered cheating and what is considered original art is getting blurry.
i think it's cool and not weird at all that for all of its communitarian messaging every star trek character's ultimate dream is seemingly to live in a beautiful and enormous cottage on an otherwise abandoned planet
Share your kiddie nightmare fuel. This fucking scene, or rather what came like two minutes after this scene, literally haunted me.
Just logged onto Twitter and got a notice that “Likes are now private.” lol it really is just a nazi porn site now