
I’m shocked to see this from Ryan Grim, a man who retweeted a false accusation about Joe Biden being a sexual predator in 2020, kept it up for several hours after it was thoroughly debunked, and then acted defiant when people called him out for quietly deleting it without acknowledging his mistake.
Oh no, he retweeted something four years ago, that’s crazy.
Spreading false accusations of sexual assault to hundreds of thousands of followers and then quietly walking away instead of owning up to it shows what kind of person he is. In my humble opinion.
In my humble opinion, this person’s point about contrasting approaches to what’s “realistic” when it comes to election strategy is more relevant. Ryan may be suck, I don’t know him from Adam. But he’s not wrong on this point. And I think you know that which is why you refuse to talk about it.
I mean that Onion “world’s worst person made a point” thing is a meme for a reason.
That part. I don’t know who this guy is either, but the Onion meme still stands
I mean, ignoring his past, I think it’s an insanely bad point that would hand the election to Donald Trump and I think that might be why Grim is advocating it in the first place. It ignores every reality of politics and history in this country and would give up a number of advantages Biden has.
So Grim wants Trump to win? THAT is the insanely bad point. And, polls show that the majority of democrats disagree with you so maybe you should consider that you might be wrong before arguing that someone else is the shill
Ryan Grimm has been pretty spot on in my meaningless opinion the last year or so I’ve been paying attention to him.