
I have actually considered doing an IRL/mail art-adjacent round robin with perfume samples for my fellow perfume nerds.
I'm getting caught up on email & had a list of little fun (some more than others) ideas at the end of last week's newsletter & one of the suggestions was "Host a perfume sample swap" & I'd love to do a Bluesky version of this, if I could figure out a good way to make it work.
Ok, so I've been wearing a different Demeter Fragrance scent every single day for....over a month now. Does that count?
I have bottles of Demeter's Fresh Cut Grass and Angel Food on-hand at all times, to be applied directly to my brain as needed.
I deeply dislike 'perfume-y' perfume. Demeter lets me breathe in things that actually smell pleasant. I'm wearing Sweet Tea today.
I don't know if they still have it, but they did some kind of anniversary collaboration with Play-Doh. You could have the same olfactory joy you remembered, but without having to clandestinely eat tiny balls of gray, pre-fondled clay whenever a supervisory adult turned their back.