
I’m having a hard time thinking of something that exceeded my expectations more than the eclipse yesterday. I was only just inside the full path, but wow. Anyway, predictably my best pic has a touch of ineptness.
The XKCD comic really summed it up. If you're within the path of totality and can look with the naked eye, then it's a life-altering, transcendent experience that completely breaks the scale for measuring awesomeness. If you're not, it's...interesting. Better than a lunar eclipse, but forgettable.
Right? I wasn't originally going to drive the 30 miles to get to the path. I was gonna go up on the roof and just hang out and brag that I could watch it from home. But I read that 99.9% is far different from 100%, so I did it. So glad I did.
It's really awesome in totality. We lucked out this year despite odds of clouds.
I was stunned! So glad I didn't ignore the hype.
Amazing! I was also shocked at what I got out of the camera. My wife and I were able to take our nieces and nephews to Lake Erie to see totality. So awesome!