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This is my kind of humor:

(also pretty much done with the internet at this point - I just don't have the capacity to care about this many things, this much)
Reposted byAvatar Owen
Just a reminder that Michelle Wolf nailed it at the White House Correspondents Dinner. NYT, I’m looking in your direction especially.
The most powerful military on the planet vs. the Fox News audience.
If you think that we actually just need a civil war to settle this once and for all: 1. No, you don’t. 2. No, you don’t. 3. You are an idiot.
I wouldn't tell anyone I'd won the lotto, but there would be signs. (after quitting my job)
I wouldn't tell anyone i'd won the lotto, but there would be signs
Reposted byAvatar Owen
"Chapter 19 of this far-right blueprint attacks the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). First, the author calls for the elimination of funding for the FTA’s core programs, which provide critical funds to local transit authorities for essential maintenance work."
Project 2025 Would Increase Costs for Commuters, Defund Transit Maintenance, and Undermine Economic Growthwww.americanprogress.org How a radical plan to eliminate federal transit funding could devastate local transit systems, hurt families, and undermine economic growth.
Reposted byAvatar Owen
Reposted byAvatar Owen
Now is a great time to download and learn how to use Signal.
Reposted byAvatar Owen
really cannot emphasize enough how plainly all this proves that the first priority of the next Democratic administration needs to be democracy reform --filibuster --electoral college --court reform --dc and pr statehood --new voting rights act --gerrymandering
Reposted byAvatar Owen
The States Project is one of the best bang-for-your-buck options for your campaign donations. Even beyond it, though, state legislatures deserve your attention. Next time you're tempted to send money to whoever's going to lose to MTG, send it instead to a contested state leg seat.
Looking for one person to join me today in donating to flipping both statehouses in Arizona to create a new trifecta for democracy. This is the smartest political donation we can make this year.
Flipping Arizona | The States Projectwww.grapevine.org Learn more about Flipping Arizona such as its mission, community impact, and how you can join or make a one-time online donation.
That this is coming up now is just bonkers. Proof that Dems may be able to govern, but they suck at popularity contests. Or election logic in general. www.reuters.com/world/us/how...
How Democrats could replace Biden as presidential candidate before Novemberwww.reuters.com There is a process, but it would be messy.
Is it any real surprise that, in America, it's illegal to not be a capitalist (i.e. poor). We've penalized the poor for our entire history. What's depressingly humorous is this attitude has finally yeilded a generation that will never have wealth. Sorry kids! www.npr.org/2024/06/28/n...
The Supreme Court says cities can punish people for sleeping in public placeswww.npr.org The decision is a win for Western cities that wanted more powers to manage record homelessness. But advocates for the unhoused say the decision will do nothing to solve the larger problem
Jesus fucking Christ Biden is just handing this election to Trump. This is embarrassing as fuck
Reposted byAvatar Owen
It looks like someone’s taking one of those hairless cats to the vet to be euthanized
Reposted byAvatar Owen
Reposted byAvatar Owen
Nothing says “Courtesy Professionalism Respect” quite like taking up the whole crosswalk despite having space in front of you, such that little kids have to scoot in the street.
"Focused" or "Other"??? What the fuck do either of these mean?? Can I just get "shit in my inbox"?? Because neither of these have the email that I saw in my notifications
Reposted byAvatar Owen
Bootleg sticker spotted around Brooklyn.
Reposted byAvatar Owen
Ugh... I don't want 365, I want Office. I don't want to save to OneDrive, I want to save to my SSD. I don't want Co-pilot. Why is Microsoft so insistent on ruining their products to push their vision of the future?
Reposted byAvatar Owen
Reposted byAvatar Owen
I fucking love David Tennant SO MUCH! (Source: Georgia Tennant's IG)
A plea to cyclists while trying hard to not sound like victim shaming... As a 20+year cyclist in NYC, you've GOT to respect the vehicle. Until we have proper, protected infrastructure, you on your bike will be killed by every other vehicle. At the very least TAKE THE LANE. Vehicles can wait.
Reposted byAvatar Owen
Reposted byAvatar Owen
"If Jay Z really wanted to help, why not partner with public schools and create community schools with wraparound services?" Exactly. He's not helping. He doesn't know anything about education policy. He's just rich.
Jay Z makes a final push on failing public schools, backing school voucherswww.usatoday.com Jay Z's company is funding training sessions to support school choice.
Reposted byAvatar Owen
If you want to hyperfixate on something may I introduce you to jigsaw puzzles? I have been working on one all day and I'm sad that I have to sleep and it lies there unfinished and alone
Reposted byAvatar Owen
cool that the right / tech dipshits are just openly declaring their desire to kill one of mankind's earliest non-biological impulses, art. excited for the centrist plan to save a limited selection of colors and media by taxing overdoses, while officially conceding all art is inherently degenerate