
An idea that changed my entire life: Success is in the effort
Such an inspirational quote from Hayao Miyazaki
Seriously. Tell me about your failures. I’ve learned so much damn more about myself from the things I failed at that I think we should come up with a new word.
I gave up playing football in college because it just wasn't fun anymore. Honestly, probably a smart choice - I was an undersized player, and not fast enough to play a skill position, so I was getting injured quite a bit.
I’m sorry for how hard it must have been at the time but so grateful for how it shaped you into you :) 💜
New worst failure On my way to Arizona, for a few days actually (Tucson)
I hate paying a stupidity tax, but when you forget to pack at least one of a dozen charging cables you already own for your phone and you don't realize it until you're in the airport, you're stuck paying $25 for some $5 things marked up. Idiotic shit by me.
Academia, film, various attempts to "go pro" as an artist ... But I keep trying because the little successes are worth the big failures 💜