
Absolutely not true. Californians and New Yorkers need to take some accountability for not re-electing democrats for why the emergency order “prematurely ended” since the entire reason it had to was because of them not re-electing democrats. And then they blame Dems for what NY and CA did!
Stop saying “New York and everywhere” cause simply, nowhere was like New York! That was just you guys! I’m in Washington and your experiences with democrats and the pandemic are in no way universal. Please stop tearing down democrats. It’s just your state!
Avatar read this bullshit article. Note New York and California mentioned and it’s those two states why the health emergency had to end.
It is clear that New York and California have special issues that need attending to. But they need to realize they got money from Biden admin to address issues. And their locals at the state, county and city level are who decided how to spend that money. Don’t blame the national party.
And maybe it was spent on the right things. Maybe it wasn’t. But the smartest thing Biden did was make sure that county and city level officials had their own stacks separate from the governorship. This was real, community level spending money. And it improved my community a LOT.
I don't follow that – as far as I can tell abandoning masking was something that came from DC. I also note that one does not have to be immune-compromised to be at medical risk from covid infection. Really stinks for cardiac and stroke risk patients, and just people who don't want to spread colds.
Not true. That was a Supreme Court order. And so stems from not electing democrats.
Also nobody wants to stay masking. I’m certainly not going to continue. But if they’re pissed off at I’m masking ban, that’s a local and state issue. That is not at all a national party issue. And yet they are trying to tear down the national party in this
That's a reach; I don't think anyone expected conservatives to oppose public health measures. And the Biden administration hopped on board. Subways are the worst places for spread of respiratory viruses. Naturally Hochul wants to ban masks there.
Why oh why would you not use an adequate mask as a photo for such an article? (kn95) The one in the photo offers little protection.
Last I looked it was MAGAt supporters and idiots, not Democrats, who were fighting mask mandates....this looks like Orwellian Double Speak from Big Brother's Ministry of "Truth".
Seriously I read this and it’s such crap since New York and California electing republicans is why we could t continue Covid emergency after 2023. These people are seriously 😒 yeah just living in their own fake reality.
I don't know about all THIS bullshit....I wear a mask, when I deem it necessary to preserve my health and to avoid accidentally spreading a deadly disease to other, innocent people..I also vax to limit the prospect of contracting a deadly disease in the first place ...
Yeah when I go to a medical place I wear a mask. But I mostly don’t other places now. But I also hardly go outside. I’ve never caught Covid. And I stay up to date on vaccines.