Michael Paulauski

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Michael Paulauski


I lose brain cells so you don't have to. Devops Galore. DemSoc liking anarchism. Antifascist. BLM/Abolish the Police. Views are mine, not employer’s. He/him
It's a ratfucking op, it's a ratfucking op, it's always been a ratfucking op.
I’m starting to think the DSA does not have our best interests at heart
I’m starting to think the DSA does not have our best interests at heart
They really are just thinking of grainy footage of 1968 and thinking it looks like a dream of vigorous youth activism and incipient revolution, rather than what it was -- an abject disaster for both liberals AND the American left such as it was.
Okay wait I just actually read all through this and I realize that the OP is honestly just using "DNC" to refer to the Democratic National Convention, not to, you know the actual DNC. So a standard Know-Nothing Politics Blowhard move and we've already thought too much about it!
This is identical to Team Trump insisting he deserves a mulligan for AZ, PA, MI and GA’s electoral votes because he didn’t like the results.
And, look, if it were the case that I thought that the result of that process was more democratic, I’d say that’s fine. Democracy is messy and sometimes damages candidates. But I actually think it’s *less* democratic!
OK. So debates are artifices that don't actually reflect things that matter. So now the question becomes, do debates themselves matter in swinging elections--that is, do debate performances, however superficial they may be, nevertheless still impact elections? The evidence suggests they don't!
I don’t think that’s true. I think the more process there is, the more damaged the nominee—whoever is is—will be. The more conversation there is the more fractured the Democratic Party will be.
I know it does not resolve the question on people’s minds in the slightest but I think it’s a genuinely corrosive thing to have an expectation that the president of the United States, a human being, should basically be a superhuman in terms of stamina and necessary rest.
Exactly, thank you. Also, does anyone actually think it's good to have the President working well past 8 PM every night? That seems like a bigger cognitive drain than being old.
So, those voters who voted in the 2024 understood that Harris would replace Biden in the event of an medical emergency for Biden in 2025 (or later in 2024). Harris has, uniquely among Dem alternatives, an actual case to represent the choice of 2024 primary voters
"Surprise the position you were guaranteed is now a free-for-all special bonus election with rules we just made up" is removal. She could win it again, but its already hers.
This. The media -pro or against right wing- love to support the Cheeto for the clicks. Let’s start to own that.
1) they are private companies that are kept alive by ad sales, which require views and clicks. There's no conspiracy needed, Trump is controversy, and while he was in office, media viewership soared. After Biden came into office, it plummeted. Simple as.
We're not talking about crowd sizes. Most people actually don't know how to diagnose cognitive disorders, which is why relying on folk wisdom and "common sense" and associations with personal experiences that may or may not emphasize the right things are extremely fraught.
I would recommend you take a deep breath and consider whether one bad debate that has failed to substantially change the polls is worth lighting a campaign on fire over. If you affirmatively believe it is, you might want to ask why white writers should have more power than black voters.
Because removing her, by whatever means, risks massively alienating the largest demographic of Democratic voters — Black voters — which *no one* has succeeded in winning either the Dem primary or a general without the support of since 1964.
Legally she's the only person with access to his gigantic campaign haul. Politically she is in the line of succession and her entire purpose is to take over in an emergency. Politically, you cannot let the white NYT op-ed board replace a black VP without some awful electoral consequences.
The VP's entire job is: break ties in the Senate and replace the president if something bad happens. I don't think replacing Biden will happen and its a perilously stupid idea, but if the party goes through with it Harris is the nomination.
Or there’s more to a plan they’ve been working on for a while and this was always how it was going to start. They’re sewing chaos.
The primary is decided. You don't like the outcome (because you're worried about Trump), so you're requesting some new process that nobody has agreed to and would be forced on us by unidentified administrators and the NYT op-ed board. Harris gets the nom by default because she's VP.
How many are women! I need to find a 12 step meeting for arguing about this with her! I spent like 2 hours doing this yesterday! Serenity now serenity now serenity now…
Yeah and part of her role as VP is to step in if he proves unable — a contingency you are arguing now exists!
FWIW, I think it's obvious from the transcript what was going on there: he was contrasting the very real harm abortion bans do to large numbers of women, to Trump's emphasis--to the point of making a woman's funeral all about him--on the comparatively rare violent crime from undocumented immigrants.
The problem is the jump from "looks old" to "is in fact not all there mentally," which is largely based on prejudices and ignorance and superficialities.
I mean, isn't the detail of note that this was due to particularly low turnout among conservatives? And wouldn't this show up in a non-first-past-the-post system as well?
If we are obligated to entertain REPLACE discourse (we aren't, its stupid): Replacing the black VP with a randomly selected white candidate using some made-up process is unethical, undemocratic, and also absolutely guaranteed to give Trump the White House.
Some good questions to ask before anyone says delegates should make this choice: How many are Black? Hispanic? Jewish? Non-college educated? Union members? LGBTQ? How can anyone trust them to represent the will of voters?
Oh shit you're explicitly anti-democracy, that makes total sense now.
You're literally inventing new mechanisms of choosing a nominee besides "the voters vote for it", and it's wild you think that all of this can not only be settled on but then executed on fast enough to result in positive movement for the party rather than rip it apart.
Wait, are these "DNC members" elected? What do we know about them? You can't run an election only on SuperPAC money! And the money would have to be returned to voters, not transferred to a SuperPAC, that's not how things work! You don't even understand the mechanisms of what you're asking.
But she was part of the winning administration, people voted for her as VP just as much as they voted for Biden as president! Why do you feel properly represented by random delegates you know nothing about and have never voted for?