
Team Pierre Poilievre is doing the same fake whataboutism: Trudeau is going to tax Canadian's homes (old one from 2018) JT is going to create a mandatory military draft Had an inappropriate relationship while a teacher. A rumor created by a site connected to mafia and a sex cult with Roger Stone
#Biden’s age & debate performance is ‘but her emails’ 2.0. Dems are falling for it all over the place & corporate media is pushing it hard, all while NOT reporting on #TrumpEpstein, Trump’s criminality & manifest unfitness & the oncoming destruction of democracy via #Project2025. ⚠️⛔️☢️
The teaching tryst rumor is said (by David Wallace) to have been claimed to have been commissioned by Plymouth Brethren Brad Mitchell of Klondike Lubricants
Frank Parlato ran the Buffalo Chronicle with Matthew Ricchiazzi Parlato is tied to the 'Nexium' sex slave cult and is convicted of tax fraud Ricchiazzi is running a congressional campaign in San Francisco for a woman with a Sarah Palin accent that claims she owns the Silicon Valley Roger Stone…
Plymouth Brethren are notorious for infiltration of government Dental Solutions, a Winnipeg-based supplier of dental equipment owned by Plymouth Brethren member John Haldane, received 3 contracts totaling $37.5 million for emergency products and services from the Manitoba government.
Manitoba Government Gave $50 Million to Companies Linked to Secretive Religious COVID-19 contracts worth tens of millions of dollars went to businesses linked to a secretive sect that operate out of the same building
There is evidence the 2011 Robocalls scandal was Plymouth Brethren
Michael Sona is the only person convicted in the Harper Conservative Robo-Call Scandal of 2011 Coren is linked to Ezra Levant and the far right Michael Sona is Plymouth Brethren
Wasn't the rumour that he slept with a student's mom, then it morphed into he slept with the student?
I'm not sure There are at least 4 different versions