
Not only my favorite black and white film, my favorite film.
[One of my] Favorite black and white film(s) Going with a movie I don't talk about often, and I should
CASABLANCA is the USUAL movie I pick for these black and white film memes. (that, or THE MALTESE FALCON). (both feature Peter Lorre, which is why I played him as a character in many Torture Cinema skits way back when)
Lorre is great in Casablanca, but I love it for so many reasons, the biggest of which is that the decision Rick makes at the end of the movie is, to me, the definition of how to really love someone.
To do the best good she can in the world. Yep. So many great lines and moments throughout the film. So good!
He loves her enough to know that giving her up is the best thing for her, and puts her needs ahead of his own.