The Okayest DM

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The Okayest DM

RPGer, mini painter, map maker, adventure writer, world designer, science fiction reader, book reviewer, professional lawyer, amateur historian, mediocre distance runner.
The key thing to understand here is that the architects of the first American revolution were technically traitors. They won, so they got to write the history books. But let's be clear here: This man is openly advocating for treason. Treat him like the traitor he is.
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
Happy Bobby Bonilla Day to all who celebrate! (Which is probably mostly Bobby Bonilla, but still).
The key thing to understand about the Trump immunity decision is that the underlying argument from the conservative majority is basically "Watergate should never have been a scandal that derailed a Presidency, and everything Nixon did was good actually".
Not only my favorite black and white film, my favorite film.
[One of my] Favorite black and white film(s) Going with a movie I don't talk about often, and I should
I don't think people are truly understanding the impact that overturning Chevron will have. This will transform the United States into an economic disaster area. This will usher in an era of permanent recession. Your lives are going to be worse for the foreseeable future.
It is impossible to overstate how much the fucked up nature of U.S. transportation is because of the entrenched network (and political power of) car dealers. Why so few electric vehicles? Car dealers resisted selling them. Why aren't inexpensive cars available? Car dealers don't want to sell them.
Make a band less mild: Throwing Stones
Reskeet with how old you are using a vague proxy: I was the right age to watch the Electric Company during its original run.
Reskeet with how old you are using a vague proxy: I used Zip Disks in college.
I played my first game of D&D in 1978. That means I have played TTRPGs for the last 45 years. I have taken the role of GM for a lot of that time. I kind of think I want to make a YouTube series giving GMing advice based upon that experience.
Ask me about any category. I'll make a list even if I know nothing about it.
SO now I am watching a series of videos put out by a guy who is ranking all the final meals of everyone executed in the U.S. (presumably, only the known final meals, since there are some that we do not know). So that's my ADHD hyperfocus weirdness for now.
The existence of Twitch makes it a lot easier to tell YouTube to go fuck themselves over their no adblockers crusade. YouTube is nigh-unusable without an ad blocker. Fuck the entire company with chainsaws.
Trump is the stupidest human alive. He keeps claiming that because he didn't take a tax deduction for the payments to Cohen, that somehow helps exonerate him. Except if they were payments for legal expenses, as he claims, they would have been deducted as a business expense as a matter of course.
Samuel Alito and his wife should be in prison for harassing and assaulting their neighbors.
You know all those news articles about how Trump supporters are angry and threatening riots and violence over Trump's convictions? Yeah, I don't give a shit what any Trump supporter thinks about anything. If they are violent or riot, I'll advocate for them to be mowed down in the streets.
There is no greater indictment of video game developers than the Legion in Fallout: New Vegas Your introduction to the Legion is them taking a town and literally murdering all but two "lucky" inhabitants. And the game developers have whined that so few players side with them.
If you see this post something yellow:
It is not until you go an a sugar and carbohydrate restricted diet due to Type II diabetes that you truly understand how much the U.S. food industry pushes sugar and carbohydrates.
I've said this before and I will say this again: Romney is not a "reasonable Republican". He is a giant piece of shit who should never be listened to on any subject. He is garbage.
I like using Goodman Games products for their scenarios, but I hate that i constantly have to double check all of their stats and maps for accuracy. Get a copyeditor already Goodman Games. Your quality control absolutely sucks.
Avatar I second Casablanca as the greatest B&W film (in my opinion it may be the greatest film of any kind). I recommend anyone who has not seen it should.
If Seinfeld is making a PopTart movie based on a joke he told, I want to know when are going to get greenlit to write the Nugget Man movie.
When a GOP Senator or Congressperson gets up and wrings their hands about antisemitism, ask them how many members of their caucus are Jewish. Ask them why it is that number.
I was recently reminded of the Narnia movies, and watched a bit of them, and the thing that is funny to me is that every battle sequence in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and Prince Caspian is better thought out and better presented than any battle in the Lord of the Rings movies.
Everyone is horrified by Kristi Noem's story about killing her dog because it misbehaved, but the reality is she probably made up the story about the dog misbehaving. She just got tired of having a dog around and wanted to kill it. The story about the dog killing chickens is almost certainly a lie.
There is nothing funnier than angry Star Wars dudes whining about The Last Jedi in 2024. My dudes, it will never be declared "non-canon" and Disney doesn't think the movie that made them more than a billion dollars is bad in any way.
Religious organizations should be prohibited from running hospitals. Especially the Catholic Church.
When a Roman general was given a triumph, we are told a servant rode with him in his chariot to whisper in his ear "remember, thou art mortal". Trump has someone who follows him around with a wireless printer to print out laudatory stories about Trump to fluff his ego.