
Every time he turned it on and started the "movie" Marilyn would say nothing, but she would scream, she kept screaming and clawing at her face and eyes and howling she then launched herself at the Russo avatar, she dug her fingers into his throat she tore it open she tried to climb inside him.
"Hey, I want a movie starring my photoreal avatar and Marilyn Monroe’s photoreal avatar. I want it to be a rom-com because I’ve had a rough day" Okay, buddy. Really feel like he should just say "Have you ever wanted to fuck Marilyn Monroe? Because now you can watch yourself fuck Marilyn Monroe!"
‘Avengers’ Director Joe Russo Predicts AI Could Be Making Movies in ‘Two Years’: It Will ‘Engineer and Change Storytelling’ Movies created by artificial intelligence are on the way.
He restarts it over and over, the 9th time starts with the Russo ai avatar already on the ground, the entire room smeared with blood, a low hum is heard that hurts real Russo's ears, Marylin is no where to be seen. The screen keeps flashing solid red. He thinks he sees something in that red light
I Have No Mouth, and I Must Boop-Boop-a-Doop
me n watching nothing but scp yt videos lately so I thought of this immediately 😅
I wonder if Russo has seen the opening credits for the Secret Invasion TV series, it looks the way I'd imagine the brown acid at Woodstock made things look.
UGH, the credits sequence was actually a factor in my being unable to give a rats ass about Secret Invasion.
Absolutely. Poisoned the whole idea of watching, for me.
There is a science fiction author in the town I work in (I interviewed her once for my old A&E magazine job, and she's on a first name basis with George RR Martin, yet her name escapes me) and she explicitly wrote a sci-fi novel about this scenario Russet here is masturbating over.
I like your version better : )
Seriously, these guys never stop to consider that if Fake Marilyn had a neural imprint that even remotely resembled the *actual* Marilyn, she’d be pissed off. Hers existence would be a fate I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.
Her diary alone indicated that she was a vastly different person in her own head/in private than she was on screen. Do these guys care? Nope! They only ever saw her as an image, so they think they can resurrect her as an image and do whatever they want with it!
clawing his face with all thirteen of her fingers
in this version i have no mouth and i must scream AM actually stands for Artificial Marilyn
Will AI be able to afford to watch. Because humans without jobs sure won’t.
That's the whole short-sighted issue in a nutshell. Also: consider data drop. Ai is already copying AI crap off the internet, and it's degrading the results. The more AI crap there is, the worse it gets.
OK, I might actually want to watch that movie. Like, just save it for one of those days when I'm in a mood and want to declare war on everything that moves, and watch it then.
Imagine how some folks will become immersed in their own head(cannon): reliving and reworking the same fantasy over and over. It will create a new kind of addiction, one that will lead to violent acts when Baby's reality doesn't match it.