
It hurts when every idea you have is stupid, how every plan won't work, how every joke isn't funny. You start feeling like you can't do anything
gotdamn if this isn’t EXACTLY what destroys relationships of every kind between men and women—family, platonic, workplace, romantic no amount of love can withstand being shot down every single time she opens her mouth
Yup. This is one reason the last romantic relationship I was in fell apart and ai haven't tried dating anyone since. *super mega ultra hugs*
Several years ago a female friend told me, that I would be "too nice" to women to be more than "just good friends" with them. This really confused me.
That is so weird to me and super toxic. D: It's okay to be nice to people! And okay to be nice to friends! And dear gods it's okay to be nice to a romantic partner. So many folks are just mean to everyone including friends and partners and it sucks. D:
I stay the way I am, even if it means I will always be just the good friend. I'm disgusted when I hear men talking superiorly about women.
Yeah, the biggest change as far as my transition and the social aspect of it goes is the fact that people now actually listen to me. Absolutely mind bending to experience the stark change in behavior.
Oh im gonna use this thread to call out dad on his ass behavior towards my lil sis. He treats me with respect but he def does this bs to her because she is the youngest