
Has anyone mentioned Thomas Eagleton in this discussion? Him being forced off the ticket in 1972 is the closest thing to this situation and that episode was an absolute disaster. Based on what I saw then, my view is if Biden has a pulse, keeping him on the ticket is the better option.
Guy with 12 Followers chimes in: I brought up Tom last week, but now I think Carter is the more apt comparison. Why? Because the media began to describe things Carter did as "Too little, too late" and it Became a Thing. So much so, that after the failed hostage rescue... (1/?)
...I watched an NBC reporter go out and ask people "So what do you think? Too little too late?" It just snowballed. Now, the same thing is happening with Biden's mental decline. It'll only increase in volume. And for me, the kicker was Olivia Nuzzi's article. I respect her. (2/3)
We don't have good choices, but keeping Biden in the race guarantees 4 more years of Trump. Electing Harris will be difficult, but not impossible, and at least we won't have the feeding frenzy of the media to deal with.